About – Pull out the filter – I searched for the first tutorial on hair picking for a long time but couldn’t find it, so I asked about it later!
I saw a hair-picking method on the Internet and thought it was easy to learn and use, so I posted it here so that everyone can learn it together! If it has been posted here…
1. Open a picture Image, copy the background layer, and create a new layer 1 below the copy of the background layer, fill it with any color.
2. Select the background copy layer, ctrl i invert (why You have to figure out the inversion yourself), crtl alt x to execute the extraction filter, check “Force Foreground”, use the edge highlight tool to cover the hair part, OK to return to the background layer copy, and perform inversion.
3. Duplicate the background layer and drag it to the top layer. Use the pen tool to outline the character, ctrl enter to convert the outline into a selection, add a layer mask, and use a flexible pen Brush the edges of the mask slightly to soften the harsh edges.
Okay, let’s see the effect .
[ This post was last edited by Taxue Dongchun on 2007-11-23 14:47]