Open the portrait material.
[b]Adjust eye color[/b]
Create a new layer and paint the eyes with a brush.
Filter Blur Gaussian Blur, set the blur radius to 1.5, set the layer blending mode to “Soft Light”, and set the opacity to 70%.
[b]Change lipstick color[/b]
Create a new layer and paint the lips with a brush of your favorite color.
Filter blur Gaussian blur, blur radius 1.5.
Set the layer blending mode to “Soft Light” and the opacity to 70%.
[b]Eye modification[/b]
Create a new layer and start by tracing the eyelashes.
Same Gaussian Blur and set the layer blending mode to “Soft Light”.
Change to a different color to create an eyeshadow effect.
Filter Blur Gaussian Blur, set the blur radius to 4, and set the layer blending mode to “Color Burn”.
[b]Blush production[/b]
Choose a bright red color for your face.
Filter Blur Gaussian Blur, set the blur radius to 20, set the layer blending mode to “Linear Burn”, and set the opacity to 40% to get the final effect.