1024programmer Photoshop Photoshop brush tools to design stunning fashionable eyebrows – effect tutorial

Photoshop brush tools to design stunning fashionable eyebrows – effect tutorial

Author: Anonymous Source: Web Teaching Network

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a mysterious photo manipulation using Photoshop brushes, different blending modes, and more. Let’s get started!

Final image preview

Create a new document (File > New) with a size of 1920 x 1200px/72ppi. Then take the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and fill in the next layer with a new background color.

Select the Brush Tool (B) and set the Opacity to 20% in the Options Bar

Let’s create some blame in a new layer, in the same way as shown below:

…and more new layers to come…

Set the blending mode of this layer to Color Dodge:

This is the result you should get:

Found a model with a photo of a team member, I used this photo from deviantart. I want to thank the author because of the photo:

Remove the background using your favorite tools such as the Pen Tool (Planner), Magic Wand Tool (wide), Magnetic Lasso (long) or even a simple Filter>Extract.

Create a new layer and insert a few points of brush here, a locker, and a button size [ or ]. The color code in this case is #BA93B3

 …and white:

Now take the Ellipse Tool (ü) and make a loop:

Set Fill to 0% on this level:

Next step is to select a layer style. Please double-click on this layer with the left mouse button of the Layer Panel and set the Gradient Overlay as shown below:

We have a semi-transparent loop:

Copy them (Ctrl + ĵ) and move them to any layer using the Move Tool (V)

Create a new layer and represent the girl type that glows around it. The settings for the brush are shown below. Opacity 10%.

Next step is to insert an adjustment layer. Create a new fill or adjustment layer”>Curves:

Set it to:

In this way, our work becomes more distinct and saturated.

Make a loop and use the Ellipse Tool (ü):

Set Fill to %0 and Opacity to 70% for its layer:

Next step is to select a layer style. Please double click on the left mouse button of this layer’s ‘Group Layer’ and set the Inner Shadow as follows.�:

Add inner glow:

Settings Bevel and Emboss:

Add satin:

We already have a soap bubble:

To make a copy and try to distort it, use the Ctrl + T shortcut, right-click on it and select the Out of List option:

This is the result you should get at this stage:

On a new layer we will represent a few lines with brush:

To smudge it out, apply the Smudge Tool (Registered Trademark) with Strength to about 50%.

Set this layer’s blending mode to Overlay:

Make a note of this layer of copy:

Select the white brush on a new layer and set the Opacity to 10%.

We will represent the fog on the picture:

Set this layer’s blending mode to Overlay:

This is the result we got:

On a new layer we will represent multiple points using the Brush Tool (B) with the color #EC008C.

… About the pictures you like:

…and insert a few white ones:

Make a copy of the layer containing the white points and select Filter > Blur > Motion Blur.

The dynamic effects we have:

The final result!

Author: Anonymous Source: Web Teaching Network

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a mysterious photo manipulation using Photoshop brushes, different blending modes, and more. Let’s get started!

Final image preview

Create a new document (File > New) with a size of 1920 x 1200px/72ppi. Then take the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and fill in the next layer with a new background color.

Select the Brush Tool (B) �Set Opacity to 20% in the Options Bar

Let’s create some blame in a new layer, in the same way as shown below:

…and more new layers to come…

Set the blending mode of this layer to Color Dodge:

This is the result you should get:

Found a model with a photo of a team member, I used this photo from deviantart. I want to thank the author because of the photo:

Remove the background using your favorite tools such as the Pen Tool (Planner), Magic Wand Tool (wide), Magnetic Lasso (long) or even a simple Filter>Extract.

Create a new layer and insert a few points of brush here, a locker, and a button size [ or ]. The color code in this case is #BA93B3

 …and white:

Now take the Ellipse Tool (ü) and make a loop:

Set Fill to 0% on this level:

Next step is to select a layer style. Please double-click on this layer with the left mouse button of the Layer Panel and set the Gradient Overlay as shown below:

We have a semi-transparent loop:

Copy them (Ctrl + ĵ) and move them to any layer using the Move Tool (V)

Create a new layer and represent the girl type that glows around it. The settings for the brush are shown below. Opacity 10%.

Next step is to insert an adjustment layer. Create a new fill or adjustment layer”>Curves:

Set it to:

In this way, our work becomes more distinct and saturated.

Make a loop and use the Ellipse Tool (ü):

Set Fill to %0 and Opacity to 70% for its layer:

Next step is to select a layer style. Please double-click on this layer’s ‘Group’ layer with the left mouse button and set the Inner Shadow as shown below:

Add inner glow:

Settings Bevel and Emboss:

Add satin:

We already have a soap bubble:

To make a copy and try to distort it, use the Ctrl + T shortcut, right-click on it and select the Out of List option:

This is the result you should get at this stage:

On a new layer we will represent a few lines with brush:

To smudge it out, apply the Smudge Tool (Registered Trademark) with Strength to about 50%.

Set this layer’s blending mode to Overlay:

Make a note of this layer of copy:

Select the white brush on a new layer and set the Opacity to 10%.

We will represent the fog on the picture:

Set this layer’s blending mode to Overlay:

This is the result we got:

On a new layer we will represent multiple points using the Brush Tool (B) with the color #EC008C.

… About the pictures you like:

…and insert a few white ones:

Make a copy of the layer containing the white points and select Filter > Blur > Motion Blur.

The dynamic effects we have:

The final result!


This article is from the internet and does not represent1024programmerPosition, please indicate the source when reprinting:https://www.1024programmer.com/photoshop-brush-tools-to-design-stunning-fashionable-eyebrows-effect-tutorial-4/

author: admin

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