It’s a very simple tutorial, but the creativity is very good. I won’t translate it in detail here! I think everyone can understand it by looking at the picture! This tutorial is just an idea, you can change other photos to achieve the same effect.
Final effect:
Required materials:
Step 1
Open original image
Step 2
Duplicate the layer, remove the color, duplicate the layer again, then invert it, change the layer mode to Color Burn, select the removed color layer in the middle, apply Gaussian Blur, and set the blur radius to 2-3px. Finally Adjust the layer mode to Brightness. :
Step 3
Now we merge the two upper layers and change the mode to Luminance mode.
Step 4
After changing the layer mode, let’s add some artistic filters here. Here you can add a mural filter and set the parameters yourself!
Step 5
We make a photo frame, or you can be one yourself. Very simple.
Step 6
Duplicate the background layer, apply Gaussian blur to a radius of 2-3px, and then put the effect created above into the photo frame.
Step 7
To simulate being drawn, we add some brushes and set some shadows.
Step 8
Then put in the paintbrush that the person is holding.
Step 9
Get some paint materials in, then delete unnecessary details and enlarge the scale.
Step 10
We set the paint to the same color as the hand, and can adjust the brightness and saturation.
Step 11
Of course, you can also add some color to the paint.
Step 12
We have to change the color of the brush tip. Adjust saturation.
Step 13
Finally we create a new layer, fill it with black, add a mask layer, and then we use the gradient tool to paint from foreground color to transparent a few times to get the final effect.
It’s a very simple tutorial, but the creativity is very good. I won’t translate it in detail here! I think everyone can understand it by looking at the picture! This tutorial is just an idea, you can change other photos to achieve the same effect.
Final effect:
Required materials:
Step 1
Open original image
Step 2
Duplicate the layer, remove the color, duplicate the layer again, then invert it, change the layer mode to Color Burn, select the middle layer with the removed color, high�Blur, set the blur radius to 2-3px, and finally adjust the layer mode to brightness. :
Step 3
Now we merge the two upper layers and change the mode to Luminance mode.
Step 4
After changing the layer mode, let’s add some artistic filters here. Here you can add a mural filter and set the parameters yourself!
Step 5
We make a photo frame, or you can be one yourself. Very simple.
Step 6
Duplicate the background layer, apply Gaussian blur to a radius of 2-3px, and then put the effect created above into the photo frame.
Step 7
To simulate being drawn, we add some brushes and set some shadows.
Step 8
Then put in the paintbrush that the person is holding.
Step 9
Get some paint materials in, then delete unnecessary details and enlarge the scale.
Step 10
We set the paint to the same color as the hand, and can adjust the brightness and saturation.
Step 11
Of course, you can also add some color to the paint.
Step 12
We have to change the color of the brush tip. Adjust saturation.
Step 13
Finally we create a new layer, fill it with black, add a mask layer, and then we use the gradient tool to paint from foreground color to transparent a few times to get the final effect.