Author: Meira Meira Source: Internet collection
This tutorial mainly uses Photoshop to copy the cute dream baby, let’s learn together.
Look at the final effect:
1. The lines roughly draw three courts and five eyes as shown in the figure: the tip of the nose to the chin is shorter, and the eyes are larger. Because it is a cartoon image, some places are a bit exaggerated.
2. Draw a rough outline of the face with a pen based on the previous lines and save the path. Create a new layer group named face, and create a new layer in the new group named face shape. Convert the path to a selection and fill it (feather it appropriately)
3. Adjust the transparency of the face filled in step 2 to facilitate drawing according to the lines, and use a pen to draw out the nose together with the eyebrows. I’ll do some lightening and darkening to make it easy to draw the eyes and mouth, and I’ll adjust the details later.
4. Still use a pen to outline the neck, left and right eyes, and mouth, and save the path. Create a new layer named eyes, stroke the path of the eyes, set the brush size according to the image size, and set the color to brown.
5. Create a new mouth layer group. After converting the pen to a path, fill the mouth with color in the new layer of the new layer group (the color is a bit bright here, don’t worry about adjusting it later). Outline the upper lip with the pen and save it. Path, Burn and Dodge to create the shape of the upper and lower lips.
6. This step is to process the texture of the mouth. I don’t have any good ideas. Here is a new layer named Highlights. Use the brush to paint white lines one by one. Hold down the Shift key to draw vertical lines. Use the eraser to remove unnecessary areas, and then use the blur tool to process it.
7. Combined with the nose path outlined previously, darken and lighten the face. I used a new layer brush to apply highlights and shadows here. Because I feel that the pictures that are darkened and lightened always have a dirty feel. Shadows & Highlights are two layers. Let’s talk about the dark tone method first: the dark tone part of the brush is dark red, the opacity is 1% to 3%, and the hardness is about 0%. It can be freely changed according to different positions. The brush size is also set differently in different positions. Just like using the burn tool, apply dark tones bit by bit. For some areas that are difficult to deal with, you can create a new layer and use a brush to draw it and then merge the layers. The color of the dark tone parts may be different. You can create a new layer and paint with different dark tones. If you feel that a layer is not done well, you can delete it and redo it. You can also change its opacity number to make the image look better. The highlight layer is also the same, but the color is white. The layer should be above the dark layer just now.
8. Use the pen to outline the clavicle on the neck. Use the pen to select positive and negative selections and process the highlights and shadows in the same way as the front face. They are all done by creating new layers.
9. Do eyelashes, the old way. Use the pen to outline the eyelashes, then stroke with the brush. The brush settings are as shown in the picture. When tracing the path, be sure to select simulated pressure (the effect is thin in the middle and sharp at both ends). The minimum diameter of dynamic fade is used when simulating pressure.
10. The method is the same for the left eye. Oh, I almost forgot. Don’t forget that the skin under the eyes has dark tones and highlights. Apply the dark tones and highlights on the face with a brush, and process it the same as before. The method of highlighting and shading the face is the same.
11. Continue using the brush to deepen and lighten the face on the shadow and highlight layers respectively.
12. The eyebrows are thrush. Outline the path with a pen, save it, select the path and feather it, fill it with light yellow, add noise, and then blur it dynamically. The method for the left eyebrow is the same, here I am changing the right eyebrow.
13. Finally I can draw hair. I divided this baby’s hair into two big parts: the one at the back of the head & the one in front of the head, as shown in the picture, I first painted it roughly with a blue brush
14. The hair at the back is roughly painted. Use a pen to outline the hair in front, and then stroke it. There is no need to select: simulate pressure here. The hair has no beginning or end anyway, so there is no need to change the size.
But it doesn’t matter how much hair you outline with the pen. After you stroke it, copy the layer and transform to adjust the opacity. Just make a few more copies.
15. Continue doing hair
16. Still hair. Once done, use Dodge Highlight to highlight the hair.
17. The effect is seen
18. Complete.
Author: Meira Meira Source: Internet collection
This tutorial mainly uses Photoshop to copy the cute dream baby, let’s learn together.
Look at the final effect:
1. The lines roughly draw three courts and five eyes as shown in the figure: the tip of the nose to the chin is shorter, and the eyes are larger. Because it is a cartoon image, some places are a bit exaggerated.
2. Draw a rough outline of the face with a pen based on the previous lines and save the path. Create a new layer group named face, and create a new layer in the new group named face shape. Convert the path to a selection and fill it (feather it appropriately)
3. Adjust the transparency of the face filled in step 2 to facilitate drawing according to the lines, and use a pen to draw out the nose together with the eyebrows. I’ll do some lightening and darkening to make it easy to draw the eyes and mouth, and I’ll adjust the details later.
4. Still use a pen to outline the neck, left and right eyes, and mouth, and save the path. Create a new layer named eyes, stroke the path of the eyes, set the brush size according to the image size, and set the color to brown.
5. Create a new mouth layer group. After converting the pen to a path, fill the mouth with color in the new layer of the new layer group (the color is a bit bright here, don’t worry about adjusting it later). Outline the upper lip with the pen and save it. Path, Burn and Dodge to create the shape of the upper and lower lips.
6. This step is to process the texture of the mouth. I don’t have any good ideas. Here is a new layer named Highlights. Use the brush to paint white lines one by one. Hold down the Shift key to draw vertical lines. Use the eraser to remove unnecessary areas, and then use the blur tool to process it.
7. Combined with the nose path outlined previously, darken and lighten the face. I used a new layer brush to apply highlights and shadows here. Because I feel that the pictures that are darkened and lightened always have a dirty feel. Shadows & Highlights are two layers. Let’s talk about the dark tone method first: the dark tone part of the brush is dark red, the opacity is 1% to 3%, and the hardness is about 0%. It can be freely changed according to different positions. The brush size is also set differently in different positions. Just like using the burn tool, apply dark tones bit by bit. For some areas that are difficult to deal with, you can create a new layer and use a brush to draw it and then merge the layers. The color of the dark tone parts may be different. You can create a new layer and paint with different dark tones. If you feel that a layer is not done well, you can delete it and redo it. You can also change its opacity number to make the image look better. The highlight layer is also the same, but the color is white. The layer should be above the dark layer just now.
8. Pen outlines the clavicle position on the neck, the pen transfers the positive and negative selections to process the highlights & shadows, and the processing method is the same as the front face. They are all done by creating new layers.
9. Do eyelashes, the old way. Use the pen to outline the eyelashes, then stroke with the brush. The brush settings are as shown in the picture. When tracing the path, be sure to select simulated pressure (the effect is thin in the middle and sharp at both ends). The minimum diameter of dynamic fade is used when simulating pressure.
10. The method is the same for the left eye. Oh, I almost forgot. Don’t forget that the skin under the eyes has dark tones and highlights. Apply the dark tones and highlights on the face with a brush, and process it the same as before. The method of highlighting and shading the face is the same.
11. Continue using the brush to deepen and lighten the face on the shadow and highlight layers respectively.
12. The eyebrows are thrush. Outline the path with a pen, save it, select the path and feather it, fill it with light yellow, add noise, and then blur it dynamically. The method for the left eyebrow is the same, here I am changing the right eyebrow.
13. Finally I can draw hair. I divided this baby’s hair into two big parts: the one at the back of the head & the one in front of the head, as shown in the picture, I first painted it roughly with a blue brush
14. The hair at the back is roughly painted. Use a pen to outline the hair in front, and then stroke it. There is no need to select: simulate pressure here. The hair has no beginning or end anyway, so there is no need to change the size.
But it doesn’t matter how much hair you outline with the pen. After you stroke it, copy the layer and transform to adjust the opacity. Just make a few more copies.
15. Continue doing hair
16. Still hair. Once done, use Dodge Highlight to highlight the hair.
17. The effect is seen
18. Complete.