1024programmer Photoshop PHOTOSHOP Tutorial: Design and Create Colored Light Effects – Production Example

PHOTOSHOP Tutorial: Design and Create Colored Light Effects – Production Example

Author: Anonymous Source: Internet collection

Color light effect renderings:

Pretty, okay, stop talking nonsense and let’s talk!

Step 1
As usual, open Photoshop and create a new file with a size of 1920×1200 pixels. After this, fill the background layer with a dark gray color (121212).

Step 2
Use the Rectangle Tool (U) to create a rectangle on a new layer across the center of the canvas from left to right, using white.

Step 3
If you are using Photoshop CS4, convert the rectangle to a Smart Object to use the filter. Then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use a radius of 10 pixels.

Step 4
Add another layer, grab the Brush Tool (B) and use a soft brush with a hardness of 0. Select white and start applying some light spots. You can change the opacity of the brush so you can create more variations. After that, select the rectangle layer you just created (both layers should be selected) and go to Layer > Layer Group. The layer will become a folder in the Layers panel. Change the folder’s blending mode to Color Dodge.

Step 5
Add a new layer above the background layer and below the other layers, including the layer group with the shine effect. Then fill the new layer with any color (preferably black) and go to Layer > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay. Use Multiply blending mode, 90% Opacity, 180 degree style, and use purple, red, yellow and green colors. Also on the blending options, change the fill opacity to 0 so that the layer has a gradient overlay effect. After this step, you will be able to see a really nice, colorful background.

Step 6
Add a new layer above the gradient layer and below the other layers. Then go to Filter > Render > Clouds. Make sure your background color is black and your foreground color is white. After applying the cloud filter, go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use a radius of 20 pixels. Change the blending mode to Soft Light and use the Eraser Tool (E) again to use a very soft brush and delete part of the layer. This is done to make the changes irregular, like smoke.

Step 7
Create a new document, using a width of 100 pixels and a height of 10 pixels. Adjust the background layer so that it is half as tall (5 px). Select all and go to Edit>Define Pattern. Name the new pattern and you will have a very cool striped pattern. Back to our design, add a new layer above the background layer and below the other layers. Then use the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and change the foreground type to Pattern. Select the pattern you just created (the pattern you just created can be replaced by a ready-made text material) and fill the layer with it. After that change the Opacity to 2% and go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use a radius of 2 pixels.

Press Command (Mac)/Control (PC) + Alt + Shitf + E and you will merge all the layers into a new layer. Then go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise. Use 1.4% quantity and Gaussian type. Now, just add your logo and you have a stunning wallpaper. We can again use the blending modes and basic filters we just applied. Most lighting effects use the same process.

Author: Anonymous Source: Internet collection

Color light effect renderings:

Pretty, okay, stop talking nonsense and let’s talk!

Step 1
As usual, open Photoshop and create a new file with a size of 1920×1200 pixels. After this, fill the background layer with a dark gray color (121212).

Step 2
Use the Rectangle Tool (U) to create a rectangle on a new layer across the center of the canvas from left to right, using white.

Step 3
If you are using Photoshop CS4, convert the rectangle to a Smart Object to use the filter. Then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use a radius of 10 pixels.

Step 4
Add another layer, grab the Brush Tool (B) and use a soft brush with a hardness of 0. Select white and start applying some light spots. You can change the opacity of the brush so you can create more variations. After that, select the rectangle layer you just created (both layers should be selected) and go to Layer > Layer Group. The layer will become a folder in the Layers panel. Change the folder’s blending mode to Color Dodge.

Step 5
Add a new layer above the background layer and below the other layers, including the layer group with the shine effect. Then fill the new layer with any color (preferably black) and go to Layer > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay. Use Multiply blending mode, 90% Opacity, 180 degree style, and use purple, red, yellow and green colors. Also on the blending options, change the fill opacity to 0 so that the layer has a gradient overlay effect. After this step, you will be able to see a really nice, colorful background.

Step 6
Add a new layer above the gradient layer and below the other layers. Then go to Filter > Render > Clouds. Make sure your background color is black and your foreground color is white. After applying the cloud filter, go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use a radius of 20 pixels. Change the blending mode to Soft Light and use the Eraser Tool (E) again to use a very soft brush and delete part of the layer. This is done to make the changes irregular, like smoke.

Step 7
Create a new document, using a width of 100 pixels and a height of 10 pixels. Adjust the background layer so that it is half as tall (5 px). Select all and go to Edit>Define Pattern. Name the new pattern and you will have a very cool striped pattern. Back to our design, add a new layer above the background layer and below the other layers. Then use the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and change the foreground type to Pattern. Select the pattern you just created (the pattern you just created can be replaced by a ready-made text material) and fill the layer with it. After that change the Opacity to 2% and go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use a radius of 2 pixels.

Press Command (Mac)/Control (PC) + Alt + Shitf + E and you will merge all the layers into a new layer. Then go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise. Use 1.4% quantity and Gaussian type. Now, just add your logo and you have a stunning wallpaper. We can again use the blending modes and basic filters we just applied. Most lighting effects use the same process.


This article is from the internet and does not represent1024programmerPosition, please indicate the source when reprinting:https://www.1024programmer.com/photoshop-tutorial-design-and-create-colored-light-effects-production-example-6/

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