Hello everyone~ I’m very happy to meet you all again~ I posted a tutorial on mouse-painted PLMM before~ Many viewers complained that it was too difficult~ So today I brought you a tutorial from when I was a student After freeing up some things, our teacher also made a special trip to ask me for advice. Hehe~ In order to take care of students with poor foundation, I try to write the tutorial in more detail. Here is the final rendering first.
Partial close-up
1. Create a new canvas with the size as shown:
2. Take out your pen tool and outline the path of the icon (you can open View->Display->Network), which consists of three parts. The three parts are marked with question marks\V\V outside
(This is the EVE family logo (a game) I designed myself. The family name is Trek Legion. The big V on the outside means aggression, and a question mark on the inside, the same as
Shi is also a scepter, which represents the meaning of being lost and the power to rule. The whole thing looks like the face of an alien, hahaha~~invincibleliao~)
3. Create three new layers and fill three parts respectively. Fill the question mark and V with black, and fill the outside of v with gray-blue. As shown below:
4. Select the question mark layer, Layer Style->Bevel and Emboss, the parameters are as follows:
5. Select the v layer, Layer Style->Bevel and Emboss, the parameters are as follows (roughly the same as the question mark):
6. Select the outer layer of v, Layer Style->Bevel and Emboss, the parameters are as follows:
The final effect is as follows:
7. Duplicate the question mark layer and delete the layer style, execute Filter->Artistic Effect->Plastic Packaging (Highlight Strength 20, Detail 1, Smoothness 15) and repeat 3 times
The result is as follows:
8. Execute Filter->Sketch->Minghuang (parameters: Detail 0, Smoothness 10.) and then select Layer->Adjustment->Invert (shortcut key: ctrl I).
Repeat this step (just get a satisfactory pattern. Pay special attention to using one less inverter at the end, that is, Minghuang->Inverter->Minghuang->Inverter->Minghuang(
Use one less inverter)
Here I used Minghuang 4 times to get the pattern of black lines on a white background. If it is not a white pattern on a black background, adjust it yourself.)
Execute Adjustment->Curve (shortcut key: ctrl M), adjust to black and white. As shown below:
9. Select the channel panel, hold down ctrl and click on the red channel (the purpose is to create a white selection), select the layer panel -> question mark copy and press
delete deletes the selected white part
As shown below:
10. Deselect the selection, execute Layer->Adjustment->Invert (shortcut key: ctrl I), and turn the black lines into white. Select Layer Style->Bevel and Emboss parameters such as
11. Duplicate the V layer, and then process the copy of the V layer into a similar effect according to steps 7 to 10. The final effect is as follows:
12. Make a background image, select the front/background color, execute Filter->Rendering->Clouds->Layered Clouds (execute several times to get satisfactory results), and get the following effect
(On this basis, you can deepen it and match the logo):
13. Let’s add a flame to the logo to see, copy and merge the three layers outside the question mark/V/V, create a selection and fill it with white as shown below:
14. Use my favorite smudge tool, apply it upward at a certain angle. The final effect is as follows:
15. Make a copy, go to Image Adjustment->Saturation-Saturation, change it to pink. Then use an eraser to slightly erase the surrounding area. Then copy it and change it to
Blue. Also use an eraser to erase the surrounding areas. The final effect is as follows:
16. Merge the fire layer and place it on top of the logo layer. Use an eraser to remove the part covering the logo (do not erase it completely). The final result is as shown on the top
I hope you all like it~ Haha, the tutorial for fools has no technical content, and the experts will laugh at it.