1. Create a new file in photoshop with a width of 35 cm, a height of 15 cm, a resolution of 72DPI, a color mode of RGB color, and a white background. Use the text tool to enter the text as shown in Figure 01 on the screen. The text layer is merged into the background layer.
Figure 01 Merge the text layer to the background layer
2. Open the channel panel, copy any one of the channels, name it channel 001, then copy channel 001 to generate a copy channel 001, and set it as the current working channel.
3. Select the “Filter”, “Pixelize” and “Lattice” commands in the menu bar, and set the cell size to “6” in the pop-up “Lattice” dialog box. The text effect is shown in Figure 02.
4. Select “Edit” “Fading Lattice” in the menu bar Use the “Fade” command, set the opacity to 45% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, and press the “Ctrl+I” keys to invert the text and background colors.
5. Set the background layer as the current layer and fill it with white, then press the “Alt+Ctrl+5” keys to load the selection of the “001 Copy” channel. Fill the selection with black, cancel the selection, select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius to “14” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. The text effect is shown in Figure 03.
Figure 03 Gaussian blur
, 6. Select the “Filter”, “Stylize”, “Relief Effect” command in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Relief Effect” dialog box, set the angle to “135”, the height to “12”, and the quantity to “150” , the text effect is shown in Figure 04.
Figure 04 Relief effect
7. Press the “Alt+Ctrl+5” keys to load the selection of the “001 Copy” channel, then press the “Alt+Ctrl+D” keys. In the pop-up “Feather Selection” dialog box, set the feather radius parameter to 6.
8. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+I” keys to invert the selection and fill it with black. Select the “Edit” “Fade Fill” command in the menu bar. In the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, set the opacity to 50% and cancel the selection. The picture effect is as shown in Figure 05.
Figure 05 fade fill
9. Select the “Filter”, “Sketch” and “Chrome Yellow” commands in the menu bar, and set the details to “4” and the smoothness to “8” in the pop-up “Chrome Yellow Gradient” dialog box.
10. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 8% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The screen effect is as shown in Figure 06.
Figure 06 Set the opacity to 8%
11. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Sponge” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Sponge” dialog box, set the brush size to “2”, the clarity to “12”, and the smoothness to “5” . Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 20% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, as shown in Figure 07.
Figure 07 Set the opacity to 20%
12. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Dry Brush” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Dry Brush” dialog box, set the brush size to “2”, the brush details to “8”, and the texture to “1” “. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 15% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, as shown in Figure 08.
Figure 08 Set the opacity to 15%
,13. Select the “Filter”, “Brush Stroke” and “Ink Outline” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Ink Outline” dialog box, set the stroke length to “4” and the dark intensity to “20”. The light intensity is “10”. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 8% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, as shown in Figure 09.
Figure 09 Set the opacity to 8%
14. Select the “Filter”, “Sketch” and “Mesh” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Mesh” dialog box, set the concentration to “12”, the foreground color level to “20”, and the background color level to “10”. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 8% and the mode to “Multiply” in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The text effect is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10 The mode is set to “Multiply”
15. Select the “Filter”, “Distort” and “Diffuse Light” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Diffuse Light” dialog box, set the granularity to “6”, the amount of light to “10”, and the amount to clear to “15” . Press ��Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 20% and the mode to “Multiply” in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The text effect is as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11 Diffused light
16. Select the “Filter”, “Noise” and “Add Noise” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Add Noise” dialog box, set the amount to “1.5”, Gaussian distribution, and monochrome.
17. Create a new layer 1 and set the foreground and background colors to black and white. Select the “Filter”, “Render” and “Cloud” commands in the menu bar to add a cloud effect to layer 1.
18. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Dry Brush” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Dry Brush” dialog box, set the brush size to “2”, the brush details to “8”, and the texture to “1” “, press the “Ctrl+F” keys three times in a row, repeatedly execute the “Dry Brush” command, select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Woodcut” command in the menu bar, the “Woodcut” dialog box will pop up, and set the color level number is “5”, the edge simplification is “8”, the edge fidelity is “2”, and the picture effect is as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12 Screen effect
19. Set the blending mode of layer 1 to “Soft Light” and the opacity to 50%, and then merge layer 1 into the background layer. The picture effect is as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13 The blending mode is set to “Soft Light”
20. Create a new layer 1 and fill it with white, then load the “001 copy” selection, select the “Select”, “Modify” and “Shrink” commands in the menu bar, and set the shrinkage amount in the pop-up “Shrink Selection” dialog box. “6”, fill it with black, cancel the selection, invert the picture, select the “Filter”, “Texture” and “Stained Glass” commands in the menu bar, and set the cell size in the pop-up “Stained Glass” dialog box is “2”, the border thickness is “4”, the light intensity is “0”, and the picture effect is as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14 Stained glass
, 21. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, set the radius parameter to “2” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box, press the “Ctrl+L” key, and the “Color” pop-up will appear. In the “Levels” dialog box, enter the color level 1128, press the “Ctrl+L” keys, repeat the color level command, enter the color level 150, and the adjusted effect is shown in Figure 15.
Figure 15 Repeatedly execute the color level command
22. Open the channel panel, copy the blue channel into the “blue copy” channel, then open the layer panel, fill layer 1 with black, press the “Alt+Ctrl+6” keys to load the blue copy selection, and then invert the selection. Delete the part within the selection and cancel the selection. The screen effect is as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16 Delete the part within the selection and cancel the selection.
23. Select the “Layer”, “Layer Style” and “Bevel and Emboss” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Layer Style” dialog box, set the style to “Outer Bevel”, the size to “5” and the rest to default. Set the opacity of layer 1 to 65%, as shown in Figure 17, and merge layer 1 into the background layer. Copy the background layer to create a copy of the background layer, fill it with white, and set it as the current layer.
Figure 17 Copy the background layer to generate a copy of the background layer, fill it with white, and set it as the current layer
24. Load the “001 Copy” selection, invert the selection, and delete the gray background. Adjust “Hue/Saturation”, hue is 34, saturation is 36, lightness is 0, the text effect is as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18 Hue/Saturation
25. Select the “Layer”, “Layer Style” and “Inner Glow” commands in the menu bar, and set the opacity to “50%” in the pop-up “Layer Style” dialog box. The method is “Soft” and the size is ” 13″.
26. Select the “Filter”, “Noise” and “Add Noise” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Add Noise” dialog box, set the number to “2”, Gaussian distribution, monochrome, and then select the menu bar In the “Filter”, “Artistic Effect” and “Plastic Wrap” commands, in the pop-up “Plastic Wrap” dialog box, set the highlight intensity to “12”, the detail to “10”, and the smoothness to “7”, press “Shift” +Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 25% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, and the effect of the text is as shown in Figure 19.
Figure 19 Set the opacity to 25% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box
27. Create a new layer 1, fill it with white and place it below the background copy. Open the channel panel and copy the 001 copy to generate the 001 copy 2 channel. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “12” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to pop up the “Color”�” dialog box, enter the color level 45, the effect is shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20 Gaussian blur
,28. Select the “Filter”, “Pixelize” and “Lattice” commands in the menu bar, and set the cell size to “35” in the pop-up “Lattice” dialog box. The effect is as shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21 Lattice
29. Then copy 001 copy 2 to generate 001 copy 3. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “4” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to pop up the “Color Levels” dialog box, enter the color level 1116, the effect is shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22 Gaussian blur
30. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “2” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to pop up the “Color Levels” dialog box, enter the color level 122, as shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23 Color Level 122
31. Return to RGB mode, select layer 1, and hide the background copy. Confirm that the foreground and background colors are black and white, and select the “Filter”, “Render” and “Cloud” commands in the menu bar to add a cloud effect to the picture. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Dry Brush” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Dry Brush” dialog box, set the brush size to “2”, the brush details to “8”, and the texture to “1”. Press the “Ctrl+F” keys 4 times in a row to repeatedly execute the “Dry Brush” command.
32. Load the 001 copy 2 selection, then invert the selection and fill it with black. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 50% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, and cancel the selection. The effect is shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24 Set the opacity to 50% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box and cancel the selection.
33. Select the “Filter”, “Brush Stroke” and “Ink Outline” commands in the menu bar, set the stroke length to 4, the dark intensity to 20, and the light intensity to 10. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 50% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The effect is shown in Figure 25.
Figure 25 Ink outline
34. Select the “Filter”, “Stylize” and “Relief Effect” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Relief Effect” dialog box, set the angle to “-55”, the height to “2”, and the quantity to “150” , the text effect is shown in Figure 04. In the Fade dialog box set the Opacity to 25% and the Mode to Overlay. Adjust “Hue/Saturation”, Hue is 125, Saturation is 30, Lightness is -15, the text effect is as shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26 Relief effect
,35. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effect” and “Plastic Packaging” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Plastic Packaging” dialog box, set the highlight intensity to “14”, the details to “10”, and the smoothness to ” 7″, press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, and set the opacity to 28% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The effect of the text is shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27 Plastic packaging
36. Load the 001 copy 3 selection, then invert the selection to delete the selected area. Create a new layer 1, fill it with white, and place it above layer 1. Load the 001 copy selection, fill it with black, and cancel the selection. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “15” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+I” keys to invert the settings. Select the “Filter”, “Texture” and “Stained Glass” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Stained Glass” dialog box, set the cell size to “14”, the border thickness to “4”, and the light intensity to “0” , the screen effect is shown in Figure 28.
Figure 28 Stained glass
37. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “8” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to bring up the “Color Levels” dialog box, enter color level 85. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “4” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to pop up the “Color Levels” dialog box, enter the color level 136, the effect is as shown in Figure 29.
Figure 29 Gaussian blur
38. Open the Channel Panel, copy the green channel into the “Green Copy” channel, then open the Layer Panel and set Layer 2 as the current layer. Press the “Ctrl+I” keys to invert the settings, select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, set the radius parameter to “12” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box, press “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 85% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box.
39. Select the “Filter”, “Stylize” and “Relief Effect” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Relief Effect” dialog box, set the angle to “135”, the height to “4”, and the quantity to “150”. The text effect is as shown in Figure 30.
Figure 30 Relief effect
40. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “4” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box.
41. Load the green copy selection, then invert the selection, set the feather radius to 4, fill with black “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 50% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, and cancel the selection.
42. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Plastic Packaging” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Plastic Packaging” dialog box, set the highlight intensity to “14”, the detail to “10”, and the smoothness to “7” ”, press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, and set the opacity to 25% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The effect of the text is as shown in Figure 31.
Figure 31 Plastic packaging
43. Adjust the “Hue/Saturation”, set the hue to 0, the saturation to 60, and the lightness to 0. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to bring up the “Levels” dialog box. Enter the color level 0.255. The text effect is shown in Figure 32.
Figure 32 Hue/Saturation
,44. Load the green copy selection, then invert the selection, delete the background in the selection, and cancel the selection. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Plastic Wrap” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Plastic Wrap” dialog box, set the highlight intensity to “14”, the detail to “10”, and the smoothness to “7”. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 25% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The effect of the text is as shown in Figure 33.
Figure 33 Set the highlight intensity to “14”, detail to “10”, and smoothness to “7”
45. Create a new layer 3 above layer 2 and fill it with white. Create a new channel Alpha 1 channel, load the 001 copy selection, fill it with white, and cancel the selection. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “12” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Select the “Filter”, “Pixelize” and “Lattice” commands in the menu bar, and set the cell size to “15” in the pop-up “Lattice” dialog box.
46. Select the “Filter”, “Sketch” and “Stamp” commands in the menu bar, set the light and dark balance to 25, and the smoothness to 5. The effect is as shown in Figure 34.
Figure 34 sets the light and dark balance to 25 and the smoothness to 5.
47. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “4” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to bring up the “Levels” dialog box, enter the color level 120, press the “Ctrl” key to click the Alpha 1 channel to add a selection, return to RGB mode, select layer 3 and fill it with black, cancel the selection, and the effect As shown in Figure 35.
Figure 35 Select layer 3 and fill it with black, cancel the selection
,48. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “7” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Select the “Filter”, “Stylize” and “Relief Effect” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Relief Effect” dialog box, set the angle to “135”, the height to “3”, and the quantity to “150”.
49. Press the “Ctrl” key and click the Alpha 1 channel to add a selection, return to RGB mode, select layer 3, set the feather radius to 4, then invert the selection and fill it with black. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 50% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, and cancel the selection. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Plastic Packaging” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Plastic Packaging” dialog box, set the highlight intensity to “14”, the detail to “10”, and the smoothness to “7”. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 35% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box.
50. Select the “Filter”, “Noise” and “Add Noise” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Add Noise” dialog box, set the quantity to “1”, Gaussian distribution, and monochrome. Adjust “Hue/Saturation”, the hue is 62, the saturation is 60, and the brightness is 0. Press the “Ctrl” key and click the Alpha 1 channel to add a selection and invert the selection. Delete the background color in the selection. The effect is shown in Figure 36.
Figure 36 Add noise
51. Display the background copy and add shadows to each layer. The hamburger text effect is as shown in Figure 37.
Figure 37 Hamburger text effect
Author: Anonymous Source: Yanjishestubble counting line
1. Create a new file in photoshop with a width of 35 cm, a height of 15 cm, a resolution of 72DPI, a color mode of RGB color, and a white background. Use the text tool to enter the text as shown in Figure 01 on the screen. The text layer is merged into the background layer.
Figure 01 Merge the text layer to the background layer
2. Open the channel panel, copy any one of the channels, name it channel 001, then copy channel 001 to generate a copy channel 001, and set it as the current working channel.
3. Select the “Filter”, “Pixelize” and “Lattice” commands in the menu bar, and set the cell size to “6” in the pop-up “Lattice” dialog box. The text effect is shown in Figure 02.
4. Select “Edit” “Fading Lattice” in the menu bar Use the “Fade” command, set the opacity to 45% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, and press the “Ctrl+I” keys to invert the text and background colors.
5. Set the background layer as the current layer and fill it with white, then press the “Alt+Ctrl+5” keys to load the selection of the “001 Copy” channel. Fill the selection with black, cancel the selection, select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius to “14” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. The text effect is shown in Figure 03.
Figure 03 Gaussian blur
, 6. Select the “Filter”, “Stylize”, “Relief Effect” command in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Relief Effect” dialog box, set the angle to “135”, the height to “12”, and the quantity to “150” , the text effect is shown in Figure 04.
Figure 04 Relief effect
7. Press the “Alt+Ctrl+5” keys to load the selection of the “001 Copy” channel, then press the “Alt+Ctrl+D” keys. In the pop-up “Feather Selection” dialog box, set the feather radius parameter to 6.
8. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+I” keys to invert the selection and fill it with black. Select the “Edit” “Fade Fill” command in the menu bar. In the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, set the opacity to 50% and cancel the selection. The picture effect is as shown in Figure 05.
Figure 05 fade fill
9. Select the “Filter”, “Sketch” and “Chrome Yellow” commands in the menu bar, and set the details to “4” and the smoothness to “8” in the pop-up “Chrome Yellow Gradient” dialog box.
10. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 8% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The screen effect is as shown in Figure 06.
Figure 06 Set the opacity to 8%
11. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Sponge” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Sponge” dialog box, set the brush size to “2”, the clarity to “12”, and the smoothness to “5” . Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 20% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, as shown in Figure 07.
Figure 07 Set the opacity to 20%
12. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Dry Brush” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Dry Brush” dialog box, set the brush size to “2”, the brush details to “8”, and the texture to “1” “. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 15% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, as shown in Figure 08.
Figure 08 Set the opacity to 15%
,13. Select the “Filter”, “Brush Stroke” and “Ink Outline” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Ink Outline” dialog box, set the stroke length to “4” and the dark intensity to “20”. The light intensity is “10”. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 8% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, as shown in Figure 09.
Figure 09 Set the opacity to 8%
14. Select the “Filter”, “Sketch” and “Mesh” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Mesh” dialog box, set the concentration to “12”, the foreground color level to “20”, and the background color level to “10”. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 8% and the mode to “Multiply” in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The text effect is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10 The mode is set to “Multiply”
15. Select the “Filter”, “Distort” and “Diffuse Light” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Diffuse Light” dialog box, set the granularity to “6”, the amount of light to “10”, and the amount to clear to “15” ��Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 20% and the mode to “Multiply” in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The text effect is shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11 Diffused light
16. Select the “Filter”, “Noise” and “Add Noise” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Add Noise” dialog box, set the amount to “1.5”, Gaussian distribution, and monochrome.
17. Create a new layer 1 and set the foreground and background colors to black and white. Select the “Filter”, “Render” and “Cloud” commands in the menu bar to add a cloud effect to layer 1.
18. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Dry Brush” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Dry Brush” dialog box, set the brush size to “2”, the brush details to “8”, and the texture to “1” “, press the “Ctrl+F” keys three times in a row, repeatedly execute the “Dry Brush” command, select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Woodcut” command in the menu bar, the “Woodcut” dialog box will pop up, and set the color level number is “5”, the edge simplification is “8”, the edge fidelity is “2”, and the picture effect is as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12 Screen effect
19. Set the blending mode of layer 1 to “Soft Light” and the opacity to 50%, and then merge layer 1 into the background layer. The picture effect is as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13 The blending mode is set to “Soft Light”
20. Create a new layer 1 and fill it with white, then load the “001 copy” selection, select the “Select”, “Modify” and “Shrink” commands in the menu bar, and set the shrinkage amount in the pop-up “Shrink Selection” dialog box. “6”, fill it with black, cancel the selection, invert the picture, select the “Filter”, “Texture” and “Stained Glass” commands in the menu bar, and set the cell size in the pop-up “Stained Glass” dialog box is “2”, the border thickness is “4”, the light intensity is “0”, and the picture effect is as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14 Stained glass
, 21. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, set the radius parameter to “2” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box, press the “Ctrl+L” key, and the “Color” pop-up will appear. In the “Levels” dialog box, enter the color level 1128, press the “Ctrl+L” keys, repeat the color level command, enter the color level 150, and the adjusted effect is shown in Figure 15.
Figure 15 Repeatedly execute the color level command
22. Open the channel panel, copy the blue channel into the “blue copy” channel, then open the layer panel, fill layer 1 with black, press the “Alt+Ctrl+6” keys to load the blue copy selection, and then invert the selection. Delete the part within the selection and cancel the selection. The screen effect is as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16 Delete the part within the selection and cancel the selection.
23. Select the “Layer”, “Layer Style” and “Bevel and Emboss” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Layer Style” dialog box, set the style to “Outer Bevel”, the size to “5” and the rest to default. Set the opacity of layer 1 to 65%, as shown in Figure 17, and merge layer 1 into the background layer. Copy the background layer to create a copy of the background layer, fill it with white, and set it as the current layer.
Figure 17 Copy the background layer to generate a copy of the background layer, fill it with white, and set it as the current layer
24. Load the “001 Copy” selection, invert the selection, and delete the gray background. Adjust “Hue/Saturation”, hue is 34, saturation is 36, lightness is 0, the text effect is as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18 Hue/Saturation
25. Select the “Layer”, “Layer Style” and “Inner Glow” commands in the menu bar, and set the opacity to “50%” in the pop-up “Layer Style” dialog box. The method is “Soft” and the size is ” 13″.
26. Select the “Filter”, “Noise” and “Add Noise” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Add Noise” dialog box, set the number to “2”, Gaussian distribution, monochrome, and then select the menu bar In the “Filter”, “Artistic Effect” and “Plastic Wrap” commands, in the pop-up “Plastic Wrap” dialog box, set the highlight intensity to “12”, the detail to “10”, and the smoothness to “7”, press “Shift” +Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 25% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, and the effect of the text is as shown in Figure 19.
Figure 19 Set the opacity to 25% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box
27. Create a new layer 1, fill it with white and place it below the background copy. Open the channel panel and copy the 001 copy to generate the 001 copy 2 channel. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “12” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to pop up the “Color Levels” dialog box, enterColor level 45, the effect is shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20 Gaussian blur
,28. Select the “Filter”, “Pixelize” and “Lattice” commands in the menu bar, and set the cell size to “35” in the pop-up “Lattice” dialog box. The effect is as shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21 Lattice
29. Then copy 001 copy 2 to generate 001 copy 3. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “4” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to pop up the “Color Levels” dialog box, enter the color level 1116, the effect is shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22 Gaussian blur
30. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “2” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to pop up the “Color Levels” dialog box, enter the color level 122, as shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23 Color Level 122
31. Return to RGB mode, select layer 1, and hide the background copy. Confirm that the foreground and background colors are black and white, and select the “Filter”, “Render” and “Cloud” commands in the menu bar to add a cloud effect to the picture. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Dry Brush” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Dry Brush” dialog box, set the brush size to “2”, the brush details to “8”, and the texture to “1”. Press the “Ctrl+F” keys 4 times in a row to repeatedly execute the “Dry Brush” command.
32. Load the 001 copy 2 selection, then invert the selection and fill it with black. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 50% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, and cancel the selection. The effect is shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24 Set the opacity to 50% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box and cancel the selection.
33. Select the “Filter”, “Brush Stroke” and “Ink Outline” commands in the menu bar, set the stroke length to 4, the dark intensity to 20, and the light intensity to 10. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 50% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The effect is shown in Figure 25.
Figure 25 Ink outline
34. Select the “Filter”, “Stylize” and “Relief Effect” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Relief Effect” dialog box, set the angle to “-55”, the height to “2”, and the quantity to “150” , the text effect is shown in Figure 04. In the Fade dialog box set the Opacity to 25% and the Mode to Overlay. Adjust “Hue/Saturation”, Hue is 125, Saturation is 30, Lightness is -15, the text effect is as shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26 Relief effect
,35. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effect” and “Plastic Packaging” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Plastic Packaging” dialog box, set the highlight intensity to “14”, the details to “10”, and the smoothness to ” 7″, press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, and set the opacity to 28% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The effect of the text is shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27 Plastic packaging
36. Load the 001 copy 3 selection, then invert the selection to delete the selected area. Create a new layer 1, fill it with white, and place it above layer 1. Load the 001 copy selection, fill it with black, and cancel the selection. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “15” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+I” keys to invert the settings. Select the “Filter”, “Texture” and “Stained Glass” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Stained Glass” dialog box, set the cell size to “14”, the border thickness to “4”, and the light intensity to “0” , the screen effect is shown in Figure 28.
Figure 28 Stained glass
37. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “8” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to bring up the “Color Levels” dialog box, enter color level 85. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “4” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to pop up the “Color Levels” dialog box, enter the color level 136, the effect is as shown in Figure 29.
Figure 29 Gaussian blur
38. Open the Channel Panel, copy the green channel into the “Green Copy” channel, then open the Layer Panel and set Layer 2 as the current layer. Press the “Ctrl+I” keys to invert the setting, select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, set the radius parameter to “12” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box, press “Shift” +Ctrl+F” keys, in the pop-up “Fade” dialog boxSet the opacity to 85% in ��.
39. Select the “Filter”, “Stylize” and “Relief Effect” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Relief Effect” dialog box, set the angle to “135”, the height to “4”, and the quantity to “150”. The text effect is as shown in Figure 30.
Figure 30 Relief effect
40. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “4” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box.
41. Load the green copy selection, then invert the selection, set the feather radius to 4, fill with black “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 50% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, and cancel the selection.
42. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Plastic Packaging” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Plastic Packaging” dialog box, set the highlight intensity to “14”, the detail to “10”, and the smoothness to “7” ”, press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, and set the opacity to 25% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The effect of the text is as shown in Figure 31.
Figure 31 Plastic packaging
43. Adjust the “Hue/Saturation”, set the hue to 0, the saturation to 60, and the lightness to 0. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to bring up the “Levels” dialog box. Enter the color level 0.255. The text effect is shown in Figure 32.
Figure 32 Hue/Saturation
,44. Load the green copy selection, then invert the selection, delete the background in the selection, and cancel the selection. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Plastic Packaging” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Plastic Packaging” dialog box, set the highlight intensity to “14”, the detail to “10”, and the smoothness to “7”. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 25% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box. The effect of the text is as shown in Figure 33.
Figure 33 Set the highlight intensity to “14”, detail to “10”, and smoothness to “7”
45. Create a new layer 3 above layer 2 and fill it with white. Create a new channel Alpha 1 channel, load the 001 copy selection, fill it with white, and cancel the selection. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “12” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Select the “Filter”, “Pixelize” and “Lattice” commands in the menu bar, and set the cell size to “15” in the pop-up “Lattice” dialog box.
46. Select the “Filter”, “Sketch” and “Stamp” commands in the menu bar, set the light and dark balance to 25, and the smoothness to 5. The effect is as shown in Figure 34.
Figure 34 sets the light and dark balance to 25 and the smoothness to 5.
47. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “4” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Press the “Ctrl+L” keys to bring up the “Levels” dialog box, enter the color level 120, press the “Ctrl” key to click the Alpha 1 channel to add a selection, return to RGB mode, select layer 3 and fill it with black, cancel the selection, and the effect As shown in Figure 35.
Figure 35 Select layer 3 and fill it with black, cancel the selection
,48. Select the “Filter”, “Blur” and “Gaussian Blur” commands in the menu bar, and set the radius parameter to “7” in the pop-up “Gaussian Blur” dialog box. Select the “Filter”, “Stylize” and “Relief Effect” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Relief Effect” dialog box, set the angle to “135”, the height to “3”, and the quantity to “150”.
49. Press the “Ctrl” key and click the Alpha 1 channel to add a selection, return to RGB mode, select layer 3, set the feather radius to 4, then invert the selection and fill it with black. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys, set the opacity to 50% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box, and cancel the selection. Select the “Filter”, “Artistic Effects” and “Plastic Packaging” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Plastic Packaging” dialog box, set the highlight intensity to “14”, the detail to “10”, and the smoothness to “7”. Press the “Shift+Ctrl+F” keys and set the opacity to 35% in the pop-up “Fade” dialog box.
50. Select the “Filter”, “Noise” and “Add Noise” commands in the menu bar, and in the pop-up “Add Noise” dialog box, set the quantity to “1”, Gaussian distribution, and monochrome. Adjust “Hue/Saturation”, the hue is 62, the saturation is 60, and the brightness is 0. Press the “Ctrl” key and click the Alpha 1 channel to add a selection and invert the selection. Delete the background color in the selection. The effect is shown in Figure 36.
Figure 36 Add noise
51. Display the background copy and add shadows to each layer. The hamburger text effect is as shown in Figure 37.
Figure 37 Hamburger text effect
Author: Anonymous Source: Yanji Design Line