1024programmer Photoshop PS water reflection text effects – ordinary text effects

PS water reflection text effects – ordinary text effects


The effect of making general reflection text is as follows:

The water reflection text effect I created:

Open the background image, press T and then choose a font you like, set the font according to your preference, enter:

The font I chose is a bit flat, and then I use Ctrl+T to freely transform it:

Then add a drop shadow layer style:

, select the background layer, press Ctrl+A to select all, Ctrl+C to copy. Then switch to the Channel panel, create a new channel, and then press Ctrl+V to paste the background layer you just copied. Finally press Ctrl+D to deselect.

With Alpha 1 still selected, apply the Gaussian Blur filter:

Then press Ctrl+L to adjust the color levels:

Then right-click the Alpha 1 channel and select the Copy Channel command.

, save it in your computer, close the document, don’t forget where it was saved? We’ll save it for later. Then go back to the Layers panel, select the text layer, and then choose “Layer” = “Layer Style” = “Create Layer”.

Select the newly obtained layer and execute the “Filter” = “Distort” = “Displace” command.

After clicking OK, select the file we just saved in the dialog box that appears, and the effect will appear!

Author: Anonymous Source: Internet collection

This article is from the internet and does not represent1024programmerPosition, please indicate the source when reprinting:https://www.1024programmer.com/ps-water-reflection-text-effects-ordinary-text-effects-2/

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