Final effect
, the following is a detailed photoshop tutorial:
1. Open the original image, copy one layer, and change the layer mode to Soft Light in order to increase the contrast.
2. Stamp the layer (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E), go to Lab mode (Image mode Lab Color), select Flatten, click on the channel panel, select the brightness channel, Ctrl+A to select all, Ctrl+C to copy, In the history, go back to the step before Lab color, which is the step of stamping the layer. Go back to the layer panel, create a new layer and press Ctrl+V to paste it, and then change the layer opacity to 70%. The effect is as shown below.
, 3. Create a new layer, then stamp the layer, change the mode to Screen, and the opacity to 30%, as shown in the figure.
4. Stamp the layer and execute the application image. The parameters are as shown in the figure.
5. Create a new optional color adjustment layer and adjust only the cyan among yellow, white, and neutral colors respectively. The parameters are as shown in the figure:
, 6. Sharpen appropriately to complete the final effect.
Another effect. Adjust the color yourself