How to achieve the sinking effect of the first letter in css

Css method to achieve the first letter sinking effect: it can be achieved by using the first-letter pseudo-class selector, such as [.contain p:first-letter{}]. The first-letter pseudo-class selector is used to specify the style of the first letter of the element. You can use the first-letter pseudo-class selector of css to achieve the first letter sinking effect. (Learning video sharing: css video tutorial) Related introduction: : The first-letter selector is used to specify the style of the first letter of the element. HTML code: This is a test article. This is a test article. This is a test article. This is a test article. This is a test Achieve the effect:

how to make text have shadow in css

Css method to make text have a shadow: You can use the text-shadow attribute to add a shadow to the text, such as [text-shadow: 2px 2px #ff0000;]. The text-shadow property is specifically applied to shadow text in css. h1 { text-shadow: 2px 2px #ff0000; }

What is the meaning of margin in css

Margins in CSS are margin properties that define the space around an element. The margin element can change the top, bottom, left, and right margins of the element individually, or change all attributes at once, such as [margin-top:100px;margin-bottom:100px;]. The result of doing this will depend on the browser length defines a fixed margin (using pixels, pt, em, etc.) % Define a margin using a percentage Example: Specify different sides are different margin margin-top:100px; margin-bottom: 100px; margin-right: 50px; margin-left:50px;

What does z-index mean in css?

In css, z-index means “level, layer space stacking level”, which can specify the stacking order of an element, and elements with a higher stacking order will always be in the lower stacking order in front of. css z-index z-index: auto| auto default Value Definition: the stacking order of an element in the document, which is used to confirm the stacking level of the element in the current stacking context. Applies to: Positioning elements. That is, an element with a non-static position is defined The stacking order of each element is determined by the stacking context to which it belongs and the stacking level of the element itself (each element only belongs to one stacking context). 1. The same cascading context The larger cascading level is displayed on the top, and the smaller cascading level is displayed below; The two elements in the cascading level, according to Their order in the HTML document stream, written later will override the former. 2. Different stacking contexts The display order of elements is determined by the stacking level of their ancestors, and has nothing to do with their own stacking level. Example: 1. There are two p boxes, a and c are in one…

What are the browser privatization prefixes in css

The browser privatization prefixes in css are: 1. Google Chrome and Apple browser [-webkit-]; 2. Firefox [-moz-]; 3. IE browser [-ms -]; 4. Oupeng browser [-o-]. Browser privatization prefixes are as follows: (Learning video sharing: css video tutorial) -webkit-: Google Apple background:-webkit-linear-gradient(left,red,blue); -moz -: Firefox background:-moz-linear-gradient(left,red,blue); -ms-:ie background:-ms-linear-gradient(left,red,blue); -o-: Oupeng background:-o-linear-gradient(left,red,blue);

How to set the font to display on the left in css

Css method to set the font to be displayed on the left: You can use the text-align attribute to set it, such as [h2 {text-align:left}]. The text-align attribute specifies the horizontal alignment of the element text, and left means to arrange the text to the left. Introduction to related attributes: The text-align attribute specifies the horizontal alignment of the element text. (Learning video sharing: css video tutorial) Attribute value: left Align text to the left. Default: determined by the browser. right Aligns the text to the right. center Aligns the text in the center. justify realizes the effect of aligning text at both ends. inherit specifies that the value of the text-align attribute should be inherited from the parent element. Example: The h1, h2, and h3 elements set the alignment of the text: h1 {text-align:center} h2 {text-align:left} h3 {text-align:right}

What are the angle units in css?

The angle units in css are: 1, deg, degree (Degress), a circle with a total of 360 degrees; 2, grad, a gradient (Gradians), a circle with a total of 400 gradients; 3, rad, radians (Radians ), a circle with a total of 2π radians; 4, turn, a circle (Turns), a circle with a total of 1 turn. transform:rotate(2deg); 2, grad Gradients. A circle with a total of 400 gradients 90deg = 100grad = 0.25turn ≈ 1.570796326794897rad transform:rotate(2grad); 3, rad Radians (Radians). A circle has a total of 2π radians 90deg = 100grad = 0.25turn ≈ 1.570796326794897rad transform:rotate(2rad); 4, turn Turn, circle (Turns). 1 circle in one circle 90deg = 100grad = 0.25turn ≈ 1.570796326794897rad transform:rotate(.5turn); For more knowledge about programming, please visit: Programming Teaching! ! The above is what are the angle units in css? For more details, please pay attention to other related articles on!

What are the inheritable properties of inline elements in css?

Inheritable attributes of inline elements in css are: text-shadow, line-height, word-spacing, letter-spacing, font-family, font-weight, font-size, font-style, font etc. Inheritable properties of inline elements in css 1. Inheritable text series attributes of inline elements: text-shadow: set text shadow line- height: line height word-spacing: increase or decrease the space between words (that is, word spacing) letter-spacing: increase or decrease the space between characters (character spacing) text-transform: Control text case direction: Specifies the writing direction of text color: text color In In css, except for text-indent and text-align, inline elements can inherit text series attributes 2, inline elements can inherit font family attributes font: combined font font-family: specifies the font family of the element font-weight: sets the weight of the font font-size: Set the size of the font font-style: Define the style of the font font-variant: Set the font of small caps to display the text, which means all All lowercase letters are converted to uppercase, but all letters in small caps have a smaller font size than the rest of the text. font-stretch: Allows you to make the text wider or narrower. Not supported by all major browsers. font-size-adjust: Specify an aspect value for an element, the ratio between the height of…

How to set text stroke effect in css

How to set the text stroke effect in css: You can use the text-stroke-color attribute to set it, such as [-webkit-text-stroke-color:#ff0;]. The attribute text-stroke-color is used to set or retrieve the stroke color of the text in the object. Example: Stroke text: I am the text with 2 pixels of yellow border

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