Grouping statistics on year, month, day, hour, minute and second for date and time fields in Django
1. Data structure description: The data structure is as follows: the modification field is the modification data time field, in the format of year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The case scenario is to count each statistical particle according to the modification field and generate the number of data items. If you need to count the number of data generated in each hour on October 29, 2020. To perform this kind of statistics, you need to use Django’s connection library. Use date_trunc_sql to count year, month and day particles, and use datetime_extract_sql to count time, minutes and seconds 2. Statistics of particles by year, month and day 2.1 Official date_trunc_sql prototype def datetime_trunc_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name, tzname): “”” Given a lookup_type of ‘year’, ‘month’, ‘day’, ‘hour’, ‘minute’, or ‘second’, return the SQL that truncates the given datetime field field_name to a datetime object with only the given specificity. “”” raise NotImplementedError(‘subclasses of BaseDatabaseOperations may require a datetime_trunc_sql() method’) Explanation: The function requires three parameters: lookup_type: statistical particles (year->year, month->month, day->day, hour->hour, minute->minute, second->second) field_name: Ranking of statistical fields tzname: Time zone. In China, the East 8th zone is generally used. Just pass in 8 2.2 years from django.db import connection…
Django: Group by date (day, month, year) – Django: Group by date (day, month, year)
I’ve got a simple Model like this: I have a simple model: class Order(models.Model): created = model.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) total = models.IntegerField() # monetary value And I want to output a month-by-month breakdown of: I want to output monthly How many sales there were in a month (COUNT) How many sales are there in a month? The combined value (SUM) Combined value (sum) I’m not sure what the best way to attack this is. I’ve seen some fairly scary-looking extra-select queries but my simple mind is telling me I might be better off just iterating numbers, starting from an arbitrary start year/month and counting up until I reach the current month, throwing out simple queries filtering for that month. More database work – less developer stress! I’m not sure what the best way to attack is. I’ve seen some really scary superselect queries, but my head tells me it’s better to just iterate over the numbers, starting at an arbitrary starting year/month, working up to the current month, and then throw out a simple query filtering for that month . More database work – less developer stress! What makes most sense to you? Is there a nice way I can pull back…
JavaScript current date plus (day, week, month, year)_time and date
The code is as follows: //create the date var myDate = new Date (); //add a day to the date myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + 1); //add a week myDate.setDate (myDate.getDate() + 7); //add a month myDate.setMonth(myDate.getMonth() + 1); //add a year myDate.setYear(myDate.getYear() + 1);
Java outputs the current date of the system (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond)
The code is as follows: package test.remote.tools.combine; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util. Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class TestOutDate { public static void main(String[] args) { //method 1 Calendar nowtime = new GregorianCalendar(); String strDateTime=”[“+String.format(“%04d”, nowtime.get(Calendar.YEAR))+” /”+ String.format(“%02d”, nowtime.get(Calendar.MONTH))+”/” + String.format(“%02d”, nowtime.get(Calendar.DATE)) +” ” + String.format(“%02d”, nowtime.get(Calendar.HOUR))+”:” + String.format(“%02d”, nowtime.get(Calendar.MINUTE) )+”:” + String.format(“%02d”, nowtime.get(Calendar.SECOND))+”.” + String.format(“%03d”, nowtime.get(Calendar. MILLISECOND))+”]”; System.out.println(strDateTime); //method 2 String msg=””; Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(“YYYY/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS”); msg+=”[“+sdf.format(date)+”]”; System.out.println(msg); } } Run results: [2013/08/09 05:54:32.578] [2013/09/ 09 17:54:32.625]
JavaScript current date plus (day, week, month, year)_time and date
The code is as follows: //create the date var myDate = new Date (); //add a day to the date myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + 1); //add a week myDate.setDate (myDate.getDate() + 7); //add a month myDate.setMonth(myDate.getMonth() + 1); //add a year myDate.setYear(myDate.getYear() + 1);
Javascript implements calendar control (year, month, day close button)_javascript skills
Friends who often use Google must still remember Google’s gorgeous calendar control, so let’s implement one. Although the functions and effects are not comparable, the important thing is the implementation process. The following is to be implemented HTML structure: Year:Month: Let’s talk about the calendar query algorithm first: w=y+parseInt(y/4)+parseInt(c/4)-2*c+parseInt(26 *(m+1)/10)+d-1; The following is a detailed explanation process. If you are interested, you can read it: http://www.jb51.net/article/32572.htm The following is the implemented Javascript code: The code is as follows: sx.activex.calender={ bind:function(target){ var a=document.createElement(“p”); var head=document.createElement(“p”); var biaoti=document.createElement(“p”); var select=document.createElement(“select”); var yface=document. createElement(“span”); var mface=document.createElement(“span”); var body=document.createElement(“p”); var select1=document.createElement(“select” ); yface.appendChild(select); mface.appendChild(select1); head.appendChild(yface); head.appendChild(mface); a.appendChild(head ); a.appendChild(biaoti); a.appendChild(body); yface.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(“year”),yface.firstChild) mface.insertBefore(document .createTextNode(“month”),mface.firstChild) a.style.position=”absolute”; biaoti.style.height=”10%”; for(var i=0;i <7;i++){ var can=document.createElement(“span”) can.style.width=”14%”; can.style.height=”100%”; can.style.textAlign=”center”; biaoti.appendChild(can); } biaoti.all[0].innerText=”日” biaoti.all[1]. innerText=”one” biaoti.all[2].innerText=”two” biaoti.all[3].innerText=”three” biaoti.all[4].innerText=”four” biaoti.all[5].innerText=”five” biaoti.all[6].innerText=”six” head.style.height=”20%”; a.style .position=”absolute”; a.style.height=”200px”; a.style.width=”302px”; a.style.border=”1px red solid”; yface.style.width=”50%”; yface.style.padding=”5px”; yface.style.height=”100%”; select.style.width=”80 %”; for(var i=1960;i<2010;i++){ var option=document.createElement(“option”); option.text=i; select.add (option); } mface.style.width=”50%”; mface.style.padding=”5px”; mface.style.height=”100%”; select1.style.width=”80%”; for(var i=1;i<=12;i++){ var option=document.createElement(“option”); option .text=i; select1.add(option); } body.style.height=”70%”; for(var i=0;i<42;i++){ var span=document.createElement(“span”); span.style.width=”14%”; span.style.height=”16%”; span.style. textAlign=”center”; span.Onmouseover=function(){ this.style.cursor=”hand”; this.tempcolor=this.style.backgroundColor; this.style. backgroundColor=”lightblue”; } span.Onmouseout=function(){ this.style.backgroundColor=this.tempcolor; } span.Onclick=function(){ target.value=select.options[select.selectedIndex].text+”Year”+select1.options[select1.selectedIndex].text+”Month”+this.innerText+”Day”; a.parentNode.removeChild( a); } body.appendChild(span); } select.Onchange=function(){ for(var o in body.all){ body. all[o].innerText=””; if(o.toString()!=”length”) body.all[o].style.backgroundColor=””; } var year1=this.options[this.selectedIndex].text; var…
Two ways to display year, month, day, hour, minute, second and day of the week in html page_javascript skills
Js code The code is as follows: //—————————–method one—————– —————————- //——————————–Method 2——— ——————————–
JavaScript displays the natural date and time, that is, year, month, day, week and time_javascript skills-js tutorial
Effect: Current time: Monday, June 20, 2011 12:0:19 The code is as follows: The code is as follows: Key places. </