What is the Linux memory viewing command? -Linux operation and maintenance

Under Linux, we often use the top command to view the system process, and top can also display the system memory. Our commonly used special tool for viewing content under Linux is the free command. Recommendation: Linux self-study video Detailed explanation of memory viewing command free under Linux: To view memory under Linux, we generally use the free command: pre class=”brush:php;toolbar:false”>$ free total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 3266180 3250004 16176 0 110652 2668236 -/+ buffers/cache: 471116 2795064 Swap: 2048276 80160 1968116 The following is an explanation of the output of the memory view free command: total: the total size of physical memory. used: How much has been used. free: How many are available. Shared: The total amount of memory shared by multiple processes. Buffers/cached: The size of the disk cache. The third line (-/+ buffers/cached): used: How much has been used. free: How many are available. PHP Chinese website, a large number of programming introductory tutorials, welcome to learn! The above is what is the Linux memory viewing command? For more details, please pay attention to other related articles on 1024programmer.com!

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ubuntu19.10 installation tutorial-linux operation and maintenance

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What is the command to create a directory in linux? -Linux operation and maintenance

[root@localhost ~]#mkdir cangls [root@localhost ~]#ls anaconda-ks.cfg cangls install.log install.log.syslog PHP Chinese website, a large number of programming tutorials, welcome to learn! The above is what is the command to create a directory in linux? For more details, please pay attention to other related articles on 1024programmer.com!

How to check the operating system version in Linux? -Linux operation and maintenance

How to check operating system version, memory and other information in Linux: 1, uname -a Linux view version current operating system kernel information p> 2, cat /proc/version Linux view current operating system version information 3, cat /etc/issue or cat /etc/redhat-release Linux view version information of the current operating system release version 4, cat /proc/cpuinfo View cpu information, processor logic processing The id of the device. physical id The id of the formal physical processor. core id The id of each core in the cpu. cpu cores The number of cores in each cpu physical processor. siblings The number of logical processors in each cpu physical processor. Recommendation: Linux self-study video The above is how to check the operating system version in Linux? For more details, please pay attention to other related articles on 1024programmer.com!

What are the commands for decompressing files in linux? -Linux operation and maintenance

Linux decompression file command: .tar Unpacking: tar xvf FileName.tar Packing: tar cvf FileName.tar DirName (Note: tar is packaging, not compression!) .gz Decompression 1: gunzip FileName.gz Decompression 2: gzip -d FileName.gz Compress: gzip FileName .tar.gz and .tgz Decompress: tar zxvf FileName.tar.gz Compression: tar zcvf FileName.tar.gz DirName .bz2 Decompression 1: bzip2 -d FileName.bz2 Decompression 2 : bunzip2 FileName.bz2 Compress: bzip2 -z FileName .tar.bz2 Decompress: tar jxvf FileName.tar.bz2 Compression: tar jcvf FileName.tar.bz2 DirName .bz Decompression 1: bzip2 -d FileName.bz Decompression 2: bunzip2 FileName. bz compression: unknown .tar.bz decompression: tar jxvf FileName.tar.bz compression: unknown p> .Z Decompression: uncompress FileName.Z Compression: compress FileName .tar.Z Decompression : tar Zxvf FileName.tar.Z Compress: tar Zcvf FileName.tar.Z DirName .zip Decompress: unzip FileName.zip Compression: zip FileName.zip DirName .rar Decompression: rar x FileName.rar Compression: rar a FileName.rar DirName .lha Decompression: lha -e FileName.lha Compression: lha -a FileName.lha FileName Recommendation: Linux self-study Video The above is what are the commands for decompressing files in Linux? For more details, please pay attention to other related articles on 1024programmer.com!

Which system to use for learning linux-linux operation and maintenance

Which system to use for learning Linux It does not matter what system you use if you are just learning, in fact All about the same. The following is my personal suggestion: 1. The graphics of ubuntu are relatively well done, and it is easier to use. 2. deepin is a domestic operating system, which is simpler and easier to use than Ubuntu. Recommended learning: Linux operating system tutorial 3, Fedora interface is very similar to MAC. 4, RedHat has the widest user base, as long as it is because the advanced functions such as clustering are done well, and these advanced functions are charged. 5, if you are developing on linux, it mainly depends on which system the project you develop is most compatible with. Because it is rare to start from scratch when doing development nowadays, most of them use existing successful open source projects as templates. It is best to learn from the version of this type of template that is developed on that system. , can avoid a lot of trouble. 6, or the same sentence, if it is a pure introductory learning, any system is the same, it depends on personal preference. I personally use…

What to learn first when learning linux-linux operation and maintenance

Linux learning stage can be divided into four stages, linux primary entry-linux intermediate advanced-linux advanced promotion, and senior direction refinement. Recommended learning: “Linux Self-study Video” Let’s introduce what beginners should learn about Linux: 1. Basic knowledge of Linux, basic commands ( Origin, composition, commonly used commands such as cp, ls, file, mkdir and other common operating commands) 2, Linux user and authority basics 3, Linux system process management advanced p> 4. Linux efficient text and file processing commands (vim, grep, sed, awk, find and other commands) 5. Introduction to shell scripts (you can learn while practicing) Summary: To learn the Linux system, the first thing to learn is commands, system commands and command parameters. For self-study, I recommend reading “Bird Brother’s Linux Private Kitchen”. For more Linux-related knowledge, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website! The above is the detailed content of what to learn first when learning linux. For more, please pay attention to other related articles on 1024programmer.com!

How to close SELinux-linux operation and maintenance

How to close SELinux 1. Temporarily close SELinux Recommended learning: Linux video setenforce 0 ##Set SELinux to become permissive mode ##setenforce 1 Set SELinux to become enforcing mode 2, permanently close SELinux Modify /etc/selinux/config file Change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled and restart the machine. 3. View SELinux status ◆ /usr/sbin/sestatus -v If the SELinux status parameter is enabled, it is enabled SELinux status: enabled ◆ getenforce can also use this command to check SELinux is the enforcement provided in the 2.6 version of the Linux kernel Access Control (MAC) system. The access of any process must pass the rule check defined in selinux, and the access can only be accessed if it passes. It is the most outstanding new security subsystem in the history of Linux. For more related tutorials, please pay attention to PHP Chinese website! The above is the detailed content of how to close SELinux, please pay attention to other related articles on 1024programmer.com for more information!

What command does linux use to view virtual memory?-linux operation and maintenance

Linux uses the vmstat command to view virtual memory. vmstat is the abbreviation of Virtual Meomory Statistics (Virtual Memory Statistics), which can monitor the virtual memory, process and CPU activities of the operating system. It is to make statistics on the overall situation of the system. The disadvantage is that it cannot conduct in-depth analysis on a certain process. By default, the vmstat command is not installed, you need to install the sysstat package, which contains the vmstat program. Basic parameters: vmstat [-a] [-n] [-t] [-S unit] [delay [ count]] [-a]: show active and inactive memory [-n]: Only display the field name once at the beginning, and output a little more humane for multiple collections of information [-t]: At the end of each message, Display the time of collecting information [-S unit]: Use the specified unit to display. The parameters are k , K , m , M , representing 1000, 1024, 1000000, 1048576 bytes (byte) respectively. The default unit is K (1024 bytes) [delay [count]]: delay is the information collection interval, and count is the number of times information is collected. vmstat [-s] [-n] [-S unit] [-s]: Display memory-related statistics vmstat [-m] [-n] [delay [ count]] [-m]: display slabinfo,…

What is the command to install software in Linux-linux operation and maintenance

sudo apt remove Second, use the rpm command to install the rpm installation package File Installation steps: 1. Find the corresponding software package, such as xx.rpm, and download it to a directory; 2, cd the directory where xx.rpm is located; 3, sudo rpm -ivh xx.rpm. (Install and display the file information being installed and the installation progress) Uninstallation steps: 1, sudo rpm -e xxSoftName. (-e can be replaced by –earse) Use yum to install and uninstall online sudo yum install sudo yum remove 3. Compile and install 1. Find the corresponding software package, such as xx.tar.gz, Download to a certain directory of this machine; 2, cd the directory where xx.tar.gz is located; 3, decompress: tar -xvf xx.tar.gz; p> 4. cd into the decompressed file and: cd xx; 5. Configuration file: ./configure; 6. Start compiling: make; p> 7. Install the generated binary file: make install. Note: The specific installation method is subject to the README and other help files in the software source code. Uninstallation steps: 1. In the source code package directory, the terminal executes: make uninstall. The above is the software installation method of the more mainstream server Linux distributions, please Baidu for other Linux distributions. For more Linux-related…

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