When php connects to Oracle, it prompts CalltoundefinedfunctionOra_Logon(), how to solve it – php tutorial

PHP connects to Oracle and prompts Call to undefined function Ora_Logon()A short piece of code written according to the information <? if ($cOnn=Ora_Logon( “[email& #160;protected] “, “hr “)) { echo “SUCCESS ! Connected to database\n “; } else { echo “Failed 🙁 Could not connect to database\n “;} Ora_Logoff($conn); phpinfo(); ?> Tips Ora_Logon function is defined, why? I have removed the semicolon of extension=php_oci8.dll in php.ini and imported php_oci8.dll into windows/system32. ——Solution——————–You can’t install Oracle extensions like this… And ora_logon belongs to CXIII. Oracle function (obsolete) You have to use CVII first . Oracle function http://cn.php.net/manual/zh/ref.oci8.php——Solution Solution——————–Did you config your php with Oracle while installing it? Please check below ./configure –prefix=/appbin/php –with-apxs2=/appbin/apache/bin/apxs –with-oci8=$ORACLE_HOME $ORACLE_HOME is path which your Oracle clinet /server located, then use oci_connect() or use oci_newconnect(), Please check php doc for detail

phpjavascript: How to get value after using echo to output div, how to solve it – php tutorial

php Javascript: Use echo to output p and get value//The above is reading data from the data//The following is the output pecho “ “;echo “B: “.$row[“b”];?> //Why undefine?????//Thank you! ! ——Solution Idea———————-Try Try w.getAttribute(“value”) and see——Solution—————— —.value attribute is for input. You definitely cannot use p. If it is w.getAttribute(“value”), you should be able to get the value of p. ——Solution Idea———————-Change that’s it. <?php$row[‘xxx’] = 100;$row[‘b’] = 1;echo “click”;echo “B: “.$row[“b”];?>

Fatalerror: Calltoamemberfunctionquery()onanon-objectinG:wampapache, how to solve it – php tutorial

Fatalerror: Calltoamemberfunctionquery()onanon-objectinG:wampapache, how to solve it – php tutorial

Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in G:\wamp\apacheThis is the error messageThis is the classThis is the calling page php error Share to: – —–Solution——————–The constructor name is wrong! __construct is written as__constuct

Fatalerror: Calltoamemberfunctionquery()onanon-objectinG:wampapache, how to solve it – php tutorial

Fatalerror: Calltoamemberfunctionquery()onanon-objectinG:wampapache, how to solve it – php tutorial

Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in G:\wamp\apacheThis is the error messageThis is the classThis is the calling page php error Share to: – —–Solution——————–The constructor name is wrong! __construct is written as__constuct

Website prompts [Content encoding error], how to solve it? – PHP tutorial

Content encoding error thinkphp This website is written using thinkphp. During the test, it was run locally [windows7+php5.3+mysql+apache]. There was no problem and everything was normal. Then the entire site was placed on [ubuntu+php5] .3+mysql+apache] The above error occurs when running. Firefox gives a content encoding error. The page you are trying to view cannot be displayed because it uses an invalid or unsupported compression format. What went wrong? Reply to discussion (solution) Clear the Runtime directory and try again Haha, the configuration file import root directory was written incorrectly. Thank you moderator The configuration file import root directory was written incorrectly? And what is the connection with coding errors?

imagerotate cannot be used, PHP version 5.2.17, how to solve it? -php tutorial

imagerotate cannot be used, PHP version 5.2.17, how to solve it? I checked online because this function is only available in versions of PHP compiled with the GD library. I need to recompile php But my environment is under windows2003, what should I do? Reply to discussion (solution) What does it mean that it cannot be used? $url = ‘http://avatar.profile.csdn.net/C/9/7/1_beambeam.jpg’;$im = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($url) );$im1 = imagerotate($im, 30, 0);imagejpeg($im1); Unable to execute? If it is a local picture, how to deal with it I know how to deal with it 1. If you can customize the environment, go here to download another version of window 2. If you can’t customize the environment, use some cloud image processing, such as cloud image processing

ob_start() is invalid, how to solve it-php tutorial

ob_start() is invalid, how to solve it<?phpob_start();for($i=0; $i<300; $++) mecho " "; for ($i=10; $i>0; $i–){ echo $i; flush(); sleep(1); }?> The output cannot be separated by 1 second, but output together. Is there any solution? ? ——Solution——————– You can try this, maybe PHP code ob_start(); ob_end_flush(); for($i = 1; $i <= 300; $i++ )echo ' '; $i = 0; while(1) { echo $i; sleep(1); flush(); $i++; } ——Solution——————–This way Write PHP code for ($i=10; $i>0; $i–) { echo $i . str_repeat(‘ ‘, 256); flush(); ob_flush(); sleep(1); } ——Solution——————–< ?phpob_start();echo str_repeat(‘ ‘, 4096); //If the number is less than this number, it will not be sent to the clientflush();for( $i=0; $i<300; $++) mecho " "; for ($i=10; $i>0; $i–){ echo $i; flush(); sleep(1); }?>

Urgent question about PHP not being able to retrieve data, how to solve it – PHP tutorial

urgent! Regarding the inability to retrieve data from PHPPlease take a look at what is written incorrectly, so that the data cannot be retrieved! $newcihui = sccihui($row[cihui]); php ——Solution——————–$row[‘cihui‘]——Solution——————–Put var_dump($row);exit; in front of the statement to see See if there is data in $row and what its structure is

String decomposition, how to solve it-php tutorial

String decomposition{“status”:1,”info”:”ok”,”data”:{“html”:” qweriqw eppa \n\t\t \n\t\t qweriqw eppa \n\t\t \n\t\t qweriqw eppa \n\t\t \n\t\t qweriqw eppa \n\t\t \n\t\t ….. How to read the content of each li, which is probably in this style. I need to decompose each li and then analyze it. How to write. . . Code is required. . Thank you ——Solution——————–$cOntents= “”; //I will not type the code in the picture preg_match_all(“——Solution——————– .*?——Solution——————– is”,$contents,$match); print_r($match);//Displays the $match array, which is the matching data Click here to change

Regarding array traversal in php, how to solve it-php tutorial

About array traversal in phpI wonder if there is a function in php to detect the length of an array? In Java, you can directly use .length. However, it cannot be found in PHP. How should I detect the length of the array in PHP? Thanks. ——Solution——————–These two statistical lengths are commonly used in php. count(): Counts the number of cells in an array or the number of attributes in an object. strlen(): Count the number of strings

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