history.go(-2) is different from the results I want, please give me some advice!

history.go(-2) is different from the results I want, please give me some advice!

UserControls_HeaderMenu (user-defined control, the following is the code to display the user login status) if (Session[“user_id”] != null) { User user = new User(); user.LoadData(Convert.ToInt32(Session[“user_id”])); LabelHello.Text = “Hello,” + user.LoginName + ““; LinkButtonLogin.Text = “Leave”; } else LinkButtonLogin.Text = “Login”; A piece of code for the user login interface: if (user.Exist) //If the user exists { if (user.Password == password) //If password, go to the message list page                           If (Request.QueryString[“in”] == null) //Not jumping from within the system                                                              Response.Redirect(“BookList.aspx”);                                else//It jumps from within the system                                                                   Response.Write(“”);                                            } If you are not logged in, first enter the book browsing interface, and then click Login to enter the login interface. I hope to jump back to the book browsing interface after logging in, but after using history.go(-2) to jump back, the logged in status cannot be displayed. Login . Please give me some advice, thank you! ! ! 8 solutions #1 It must not be displayed. History.go(-2); displays your operations 2 times ago from the COOKIE, and it will definitely not be displayed after login. . . #2 history.back() means going back to the last history page. history.go(-1) indicates the first page of recent history…

Djangohighcharts reports an error css, js file cannot be found, please give me some advice

http://my.oschina.net/jastme/blog/357142I followed this article. When I opened, it was blank, and I saw the prompt 404 under dos

A female man wants to change his career to Java development, please give me some advice, TKS!

A female man wants to change his career to Java development, please give me some advice, TKS!

I am currently working in a clerical field, working five days and eight hours, and the actual working time is no more than three hours a day. The rest of the time is basically spent on soy sauce. There is no sense of accomplishment in the work, and I feel quite bored every day. By chance, I feel that I quite like Java. Now I watch Java videos when I have nothing to do, so I want to switch to Java development work. I would like to ask you about the current development prospects of Java. How about it (I searched online and found a lot of negative information), what is the general salary after working in Java for one or two years (in first-tier cities)? Is it easy for girls to find jobs in Java development? Currently, I want to change my career through training. Yesterday I went to Shenzhen to check out Dane. I felt that the learning atmosphere is not bad, but the tuition is quite expensive (15800). Is there any place where I can go for training? How is the training there? 25 solutions #1 Yes With so much time, it would be great to study…

I have been working in java for one and a half years, please give me some advice.

I have been working in java for one and a half years, please give me some advice.

I started as an intern at the beginning of last year and have been working as a full-time employee now. I have been involved in Java development for more than a year and a half. I have been working in the same company. This company is mainly engaged in credit card issuance. The main core business and logic are all in the IBM mainframe. That is the (COBEL) language we often hear. A very few people understand the language. Compared with the mainframe, Java is mainly responsible for the interaction between the mainframe and peripheral systems in the company, which is actually the conversion of some encodings and formats and the transmission of files. I am mainly responsible for the interaction of some dynamic information and the short message notification system. Simply put, it is to convert every request sent by the host to Java into ASCII and convert it into the format agreed with the customer, and then Send the request to the customer as well as the SMS operator. The main interfaces used are HTTP/HTTPS and TCP/IP, and XML format messages are used in the request conversion process. In addition, I have come into contact with some file…

javascript-ajax partial refresh (new to front-end, new to ajax in the past two days, I don’t quite understand it yet, please give me some advice)

javascript-ajax partial refresh (new to front-end, new to ajax in the past two days, I don’t quite understand it yet, please give me some advice)

The navigation made for li on the left side of the page can be added, deleted, and the name can be modified. However, once I modify, delete, or add it, the left side will be updated to the latest status, but click on the right side The content of the optional drop-down list in the pop-up window after “Move” (the content of the drop-down list is the left navigation) will not be updated to the latest additions, deletions or modifications. I just read the ajax knowledge and know the process to modify this problem. , but still don’t know how to write it, how to start? Reply content: The navigation made for li on the left side of the page can be added, deleted, and the name can be modified. However, once I modify, delete, or add it, the left side will be updated to the latest status, but click on the right side The content of the optional drop-down list in the pop-up window after “Move” (the content of the drop-down list is the left navigation) will not be updated to the latest additions, deletions or modifications. I just read the ajax knowledge and know the process to modify…

A female man wants to change his career to Java development, please give me some advice, TKS!

A female man wants to change his career to Java development, please give me some advice, TKS!

I am currently working in a clerical field, working five days and eight hours, and the actual working time is no more than three hours a day. The rest of the time is basically spent on soy sauce. There is no sense of accomplishment in the work, and I feel quite bored every day. By chance, I feel that I quite like Java. Now I watch Java videos when I have nothing to do, so I want to switch to Java development work. I would like to ask you about the current development prospects of Java. How about it (I searched online and found a lot of negative information), what is the general salary after working in Java for one or two years (in first-tier cities)? Is it easy for girls to find jobs in Java development? Currently, I want to change my career through training. Yesterday I went to Shenzhen to check out Danai. I felt that the learning atmosphere is not bad, but the tuition is quite expensive (15800). Is there any training place where I can go? How is the training there? 25 solutions #1 Yes With so much time, it would be great to study on…

I have been working in java for one and a half years, please give me some advice.

I have been working in java for one and a half years, please give me some advice.

I started as an intern at the beginning of last year and have been working as a full-time employee now. I have been involved in Java development for more than a year and a half. I have been working in the same company. This company is mainly engaged in credit card issuance. The main core business and logic are all in the IBM mainframe. That is the (COBEL) language we often hear. A very few people understand the language. Compared with the mainframe, Java is mainly responsible for the interaction between the mainframe and peripheral systems in the company, which is actually the conversion of some encodings and formats and the transmission of files. I am mainly responsible for the interaction of some dynamic information and the short message notification system. Simply put, it is to convert every request sent by the host to Java into ASCII and convert it into the format agreed with the customer, and then Send the request to the customer as well as the SMS operator. The main interfaces used are HTTP/HTTPS and TCP/IP, and XML format messages are used in the request conversion process. In addition, I have come into contact with some file…

Some java framework issues, please give me some advice

Some java framework issues, please give me some advice

I have learned SSH now. Is it necessary to learn other frameworks, such as JSF, JPA, EJB, etc. I don’t have a job yet, so I don’t know what technologies are used in the company. Are these other frameworks used a lot? Do I need to learn them all, or should I learn them after I use them in the future? I hope seniors who have already worked and had contact with me can give me some advice. Thank you. 21 solutions #1 We are both novices~I implemented it in the company~The company also uses SSH~But the most important thing is JAVA~The framework is all auxiliary. #2 The technologies used by different companies must be different! You should continue to learn ssh! #3 Keep learning, the basics are the key JF #4 Don’t be limited to framework applications, laying a solid language foundation (HTML\JS\JSP\Java\XML) is the way to go~ #5 Does that mean that there are some things that you can learn later when you need them at work, and you can just lay the foundation now? #6 Mainly ssh #7 You should learn SSI now, right? #8 Quoting the reply from liujun822 on the 7th floor: You should learn…

I want to use Java to build a novel website and update books. Senior, please give me some advice.

I want to use Java to build a novel website and update books. Senior, please give me some advice. This is very simple and not a problem. But the important thing is, what format is your novel in? Let’s discuss this issue using the most common txt format as an example. 1. A “novel” table should be designed in the database to store information about each “novel”. In this table, there needs to be information such as the novel’s ID, name, author, etc., and correspondingly, there also needs to be an address information where the novel is stored. This address is the address of the novel on your server, that is, the storage path on your server’s hard disk. . 2. When the client is reading a novel, the client sends a request, and the server receives the client request. By requesting the database, it finds the address of each “novel” on the server hard disk, and then you can choose to read the string and send it back to the client. , or directly tell the client the address to let the user download. 3. After understanding this design, updating is very simple. When updating, you first need to…

Basic Java question, about entering the month and day to determine the zodiac sign, please give me some advice

Basic Java question, about inputting the month and day to determine the zodiac sign, please advise imp Use java to write a program that can determine the user’s zodiac sign based on the birthday entered by the user. Please give me some tips or ideas. It is stipulated that methods cannot be customized Since other methods are not allowed, then just code it…. public static void main(String[] args) { int point = -1; String[] str = {“Aries”,”Taurus”,”Gemini”,”Cancer”,”Lion”,”Virgo”,”Scale “,”Scorpio”,”Sagittarius”,”Capricorn”,”Aquarius”,”Pisces”};      SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(“MM-dd”);       System.out.println(“Please enter a date in the format MM-dd, for example: 8-9”); Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); Date d = null; while (true) { try { String input = scan.next();            d = sdf.parse( input); break; break; catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(“Please enter the correct date format, for example: 08-09”); //Formatting Date, convert date to **.* * format, such as January 1st converted to 1.01 Double date = Double.parseDouble((d.getMonth() + 1) + “.” + String.format(“%02d”, d.getDate())); if (3.21 = date) { point = 0; } else if (4.20 = date) { point = 1; } else if (5 .21 = date) {         point = 2;                                                                                                                                                        point =                                                                                                                     . Point = 4; } else if (8.23…

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