1024programmer PHP Implement DataGrid function through PHP

Implement DataGrid function through PHP

Welcome to the Linux Community Forum, interact and communicate with 2 million technical staff>> Enter Recently I want to make something that implements the DataGrid function through PHP, so that the contents of the tables in the database can be directly modified without development. So I searched online and found that there are several similar things, both open source and paid, but they are basically based on MySQL. Due to the need to connect Or

Welcome to the Linux Community Forum and interact with 2 million technicians >>Enter

Recently I wanted to make something that implements the DataGrid function through PHP, so that the contents of the tables in the database can be directly modified without development. So I searched online and found several similar things, both open source and paid. Yes, but they are basically based on MySQL. Since it needs to be connected to Oracle, I personally feel that phpMyDataGrid is relatively easy to get started with in terms of secondary development and page style. This article first introduces the usage based on MySQL, and then briefly introduces the secondary development of Oracle connection (based on sqlrelay).

1. Create test database and tables

The following is the quoted content:

create database `guru`;
 USE `guru`;
 CREATE TABLE `employees` (
       `id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
       `name` char(20) default NULL,
       `lastname` char(20) default NULL,
       `salary` float default NULL,
       `age` int(2) default NULL,
       `afiliation` date default NULL,
       `status` int(1) default NULL,
       `active` tinyint(1) default NULL,
       `workeddays` int(2) default NULL,
       `photo` char(30) default NULL,
       PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
 insert into `employees`
     values ​​(1, 'Ana', 'Trujillo',2000,45, '2005-05-13',1,1,10, '1.jpg');
 insert into `employees`
     values ​​(2, 'Jennifer', 'Aniston',3500,23, '2004-10-22',1,0,0, '2.jpg');
 insert into `employees`
     values ​​(3, 'Michael', 'Norman',1200,19, '2007-01-10',1,1,5, '3.jpg');
 insert into `employees`
     values ​​(4, 'Vanessa', 'Black',6500,31, '2000-11-05',1,1,30, '4.jpg');
 insert into `employees`
     values ​​(5, 'Michael', 'Strauss',3200,45, '2006-10-21',2,0,22, '5.jpg');
 insert into `employees`
     values ​​(6, 'William', 'Brown',2300,21, '2001-03-10',3,1,10, '6.jpg');
 insert into `employees`
                       values ​​(7, 'Lucca', 'Normany',2800,36, '2006-10-02',3,1,20, '7.jpg');

2. Introduction to PHP program

phpMyDataGrid is mainly implemented through phpmydatagrid.class.php and dgscripts.js. The total size is less than 100kB, and it is a small software. I won’t go into detail about these two documents. Interested students can “pack them away” and go back to read them slowly. It mainly introduces how to use the software, namely the example datagrid_for_mysql.php. Let’s take a look at the page diagram first:

The following is the quoted content:

//Encrypted string $objGrid->salt("Myc0defor5tr0ng3r-Pro3EctiOn"); $objGrid->language("en"); //The function keys displayed in the last column have the functions from left to right: "Add key", "Edit key", "Delete key", and "Browse key". $objGrid->buttons(true,true,true,true); //Form name generated when modifying the value $objGrid->form('employee', true); //Searchable column names $objGrid->searchby("name,lastname"); //Table to be read $objGrid->tabla("employees"); //Index value is used to modify data $objGrid->keyfield("id"); //Display the number of rows in pagination $objGrid->datarows(20); //Default sorting method $objGrid->orderby("name", "ASC"); //Display column settings, related settings can refer to phpmydatagrid.class.php $objGrid->FormatColumn("id", "ID Employee", 5, 5, 1, "50", "center", "integer"); $objGrid->FormatColumn("name", "Name", 30, 30, 0, "150", "left"); $objGrid->FormatColumn("lastname", "Last name", 30, 30, 0, "150", "left"); $objGrid->FormatColumn("age", "Age", 5, 5, 0, "50", "right");
//Custom date format $objGrid->FormatColumn("afiliation", "Afiliation Date", 10, 10, 0, "100", "center", "date:dmy:/");
//Can be customized asMode $objGrid->FormatColumn("status", "Status", 5, 5, 0, "60", "left", "select:1_Single:2_Married:3_Divorced"); //Can be customized to mode when editing $objGrid->FormatColumn("active", "Active", 2, 2, 0,"50", "center", "check:No:Yes");
//Customized currency display form $objGrid->FormatColumn("salary", "Salary", 10, 10, 0, "90", "right", "money:?);
//Display the data in a bar chart $objGrid->FormatColumn("workeddays", "Work days", 5, 2, 0, "50", "right", "chart:percent:val:31"); $objGrid->checkable(); $objGrid->setHeader(); $objGrid->ajax('silent'); echo '

'; //Generate DataGrid $objGrid->grid(); echo '

//Close the database connection $objGrid->desconectar(); ?>

3. Introduction to Oracle

To read Oracle, the main method is to modify the MySQL connection function in phpmydatagrid.class.php to Oracle. This article is an Oracle connection through sqlrelay (please refer to http://sqlrelay.sourceforge.net/). Of course, you can also use the OCI8 module that comes with PHP (the efficiency is somewhat low). After modification, save it as phporadatagrid.class.php and call it in other programs (datagrid_for_oracle.php). All programs mentioned above can be found in compressed packages.

Hope it is useful to everyone!

This article is from the internet and does not represent1024programmerPosition, please indicate the source when reprinting:https://www.1024programmer.com/implement-datagrid-function-through-php-5/

author: admin

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