1024programmer Java An article to help you understand the analysis of parameter passing principles (java, go, python, c++)

An article to help you understand the analysis of parameter passing principles (java, go, python, c++)


In the past year or so, I have been exposed to some languages ​​that are unfamiliar to me, mainly Python and Go. During this period, in order to quickly realize the needs, I just followed the example. Lao’s code; I didn’t delve into some details and principles.

Take parameter passing as an example. The implementation details of each language are different, but there are similarities; it is easy for many novices to be confused when they get started, leading to some low-level mistakes.


Basic type transfer

Let’s take Java, which I am most familiar with, as an example. I believe no one can write such code:

  public void testBasic() {
  int a = 10;
  System.out.println(String.format("Final result main a==%s", a));

  private void modifyBasic(int aa) {
  System.out.println(String.format("aa==%s", aa));
  aa = 20;
  System.out.println(String.format("After modification aa==%s", aa));

Output results:

Before modification aa==10
After modification aa==20
Final result main a==10

However, judging from the purpose of this code, it should be to modify the value of a. Intuitively, it is understandable if the modification is successful.

The fundamental reason why the results are not in line with expectations is the misunderstanding of parameter value passing and reference passing.

Before this, let’s clarify the difference between passing by value and passing by reference:

Here we first draw the conclusion that Java uses value transfer; this can also explain why the above example did not successfully modify the original data.

Refer to the picture below for better understanding:

When a function call occurs, a passes itself into the modifyBasic method, copies its own value and assigns it to a new variableaa As you can see from the picture, there is no relationship between the two variables a and aa, so for aa Modifications will not affect a.

It’s a bit like I gave an apple to my wife, and she peeled it; but the one in my hand didn’t change, because she just took an identical apple from the dinner plate and peeled it.

If I want her apple, I can only ask her to give me the peeled apple; it is similar to the return value of the method.

 a = modifyBasic(a);

Reference type transfer

Let’s take a look at the transfer of reference types:

  private class Car{
  private String name;

  public Car(String name) {
  this.name = name;

  public String toString() {
  return "Car{" +
  "name='" + name + '\'' +

  public void test01(){
  Car car1 = new Car("benz");
  System.out.println(String.format("Final result main car1==%s", car1));

  private void modifyCar1(Car car){
  System.out.println(String.format("before modification car==%s", car));
  car.name = "bwm";
  System.out.println(String.format("after modification car==%s", car));

In this example, a car1 of benz is first created, and then modified to bmw through a method. The original car1 Will it be affected?

 Before modification car==Car{name='benz'}
 After modification car==Car{name='bwm'}
 Final result main car1==Car{name='bwm'}

The results may be contrary to some people’s expectations, but can such modifications affect the original data? Isn’t this inconsistent with passing by value? It seems like this is passing by reference, right?

Don’t worry, everyone will understand after analyzing the picture below:

In the test01 method we create an object of car1, which is stored in the heap memory. Assume that the memory address is 0x1102. So the variable car1 applies this memory address.

When we call the modifyCar1 method, a variable car will be created in the method stack. The next point is:

This car variable is copied from the original input parameter car1, so the heap memory corresponding to it is still 0x1102;

So when we modify the data through the car variable, we essentially modify the data in the same heap memory. Therefore, car1 that originally referenced this memory address can also see the corresponding changes.

This may be a bit confusing to understand, but we just need to remember one thing:

When passing reference type data, what is passed is not the reference itself, but the value; it is just that the value is the memory address.

Because the same memory address is passed, the operation of the data will still affect the outside world.

So in the same way, a code similar to thisUse your own judgment)


In Python, whether a variable is mutable is an important factor affecting parameter passing:

As shown in the figure above, bool int float these immutable types cannot modify the original data during parameter passing.

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 x = 1
  print('final x={}'.format(x))

 def modify(val):
  val = 2

 Final x=1

The principle is similar to that in Java Go, which is based on value passing and will not be repeated here.

Here we focus on the process of variable data types in parameter passing:

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 x = [1]
  print('final x={}'.format(x))

 def modify(val):

 Final x=[1, 2]

The final data is affected, so does that mean this is pass by reference? Let’s try another example:

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 x = [1]
  print('final x={}'.format(x))

 def modify(val):
  val = [1, 2, 3]

 Final x=[1]

Obviously this is not a reference pass. If it is a reference pass, the final x should be equal to [1, 2,3].

Judging from the results, this transfer process is very similar to the pointer transfer in Go. What val gets is also the memory address of the x parameter. Copy; they all point to the same memory address.

So the modification of this data essentially changes the same data, but once it is reassigned, a new memory will be created and the original data will not be affected.

Similar to the image above in Java.

So to summarize:

  • For immutable data: When passing parameters, values ​​are passed, and modifications to parameters will not affect the original data.
  • For variable data: what is passed is a copy of the memory address, and the operation of the parameters will affect the original data.

So these three are all passed by value. Is there any language that passes by reference?

Of course, C++ supports passing by reference:

 using namespace std;
  double len;

 void modify(Box& b);
 int main()
 Box b1;
 cout <<"The value of b1 before calling:" <<b1.len <<endl;
 cout <<"After the call, the value of b1:" <<b1.len <<endl;
 return 0;
 void modify(Box& b)
 Box b2;
 b2.len = 999;
 b = b2;

 Before the call, the value of b1: 100
 After the call, the value of b1: 999

You can see that assigning the new object b2 to the input parameter b will affect the original data.


In fact, if you look at these languages, you will find that they have many similarities, so usually we can quickly learn other languages ​​after mastering one language.

But it is often the basics among these that are most overlooked. I hope that everyone can take these basic knowledge into consideration when coding in daily life. If you think more about it, you will definitely write more beautiful code (bugs).

This concludes this article on the analysis of parameter passing principles in multiple languages ​​(java, go, python, c++). For more information on the principles of parameter passing in Java, please search previous articles or continue browsing below. Related articles I hope you will support me in the future!

This article is from the internet and does not represent1024programmerPosition, please indicate the source when reprinting:https://www.1024programmer.com/an-article-to-help-you-understand-the-analysis-of-parameter-passing-principles-java-go-python-c-3/

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