1024programmer Java JavaScript implements various sorting algorithms

JavaScript implements various sorting algorithms

Foreword:This article mainly uses Javascript to implement various sorting algorithms in data structures,For example&# xff1a;Insertion sort
, Hill sort, merge sort, etc.

Bubble sort

function bubbleSort(arr) {console.time(“Bubble Sort” )var num = 0 ;for (var i = arr.length; i > num; num++) {for (var j = i – 1; j > num; j–) { if(arr[j-1]>arr[j]){var temp = arr[j-1];arr [j-1] = arr[j];arr[j] = temp;}}}console.timeEnd(” Bubble sort”)return arr}var arr = [12, 290, 219, 278 , 4432,21, 43, 89, 78];console.log( bubbleSort(arr));

Time complexity: Worst O(n 2); Optimal O(n)

Insertion sort

The basic principle of insertion sort is as follows: Build an ordered sequence from front to back. For an unsorted sequence, scan the insertion position from back to front in the sorted sequence. ;For the p-th element , it is necessary to scan p-1 times, On average, the insertion sort algorithm complexity is O(n2)

function insertSort(arr) {console.time(“insert sort”)var len = arr.length;if (len <= 1) {return span> arr;}// 1~n-1 sortingarr.map(function (item,index){if(index>0){for (var j & #61; index; j > 0 && arr[j – 1] > item; j–) {arr[j] = arr[j – 1];}arr [j] = item;}});console.timeEnd(“insertion sort”)return arr
var arr = [12, 290, 219, 278, 4432, 21, 43, 89, 78];

Hill sort

Shell sorting is also called descending increment sorting,The effect is better than insertion sort,For different increments,The sorting performance is also different

Let’s take a look at the step size selection

The algorithm implementation process is as follows:Here we choose the step size to be 4:(Each column is equivalent to an insertion sort

12 190 219 278
4432 21 43 89
// After the first sorting, we get:
12 21 43 89
78 190 219 278
4432// Connect to get The result is [12,21,43,89,78,190,219,278,4432], and then sort with 2 as the step size. For:
12 21
43 89
78 190
219 278
4432// Then it is a simple insertion sort

The average time complexity is: =”” />

Quick sort implementation 2: (Using the middle as the base value)

1 function qSort(arr) {
2 if (arr.length <= 1 ) {
3 return arr;
4 }
5 var num = Math.floor(arr.length / 2);
7 var numValue = arr.splice(num, 1)[0];
8 var left = [],
9 right = [];
10 for (var i = 0; i ) {
11 if (arr[i] < numValue) {
12 left.push(arr[i]);
13 } else {
14 right.push(arr[i]);
15 }
16 }
17 return qSort(left)
18 .concat([numValue], qSort(right))
19 }
21 console.log(qSort([32, 45, 37 , 16, 2, 87]))

The average time complexity of quick sort is O(NLogN)

Merge sort

Merge sort uses the idea of ​​​​divide and conquer to divide the array – separate it in half – sort the left and right sides respectively – and then merge the sorted results. According to this idea – recursion is the most convenient.

1 int a[N], c[N];
2 void mergeSort(l, r) {
3 int mid, i, j , tmp;
4 if (r – 1 > l) {
5 mid = (l + r) >> 1;
6 // respectively Sort by the left and right two days
7 mergeSort(l, mid);
8 mergeSort( mid, r);
9 // Merge sorted arrays
10 tmp = l;
11 for (i = l, j = mid; i <mid && j < r;) {
12 if (a[i] > a[j]) c[tmp& #43;+] = a[j++];
13 else c[tmp++] = a[i++];
14 }
15 // Connect the rest
16 if (j < r) {
17 for (; j <r; j++ ) c[tmp++] = a[j];
18 } else {
19 for (; i <mid; i++) c[tmp++ ] = a[i];
20 }
21 // Overwrite the c array into a
22 for (i = l; i <r ; i++) {
23 a[i] = c[i];
24 }
25 }
26 }


Update the implementation of several sorting algorithms

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