1024programmer Photoshop photoshop tutorial: convert line drawing into stone carving effect – element effect

photoshop tutorial: convert line drawing into stone carving effect – element effect

Line drawings and finished drawings.

Drawing process:
1. In Photoshop, create a new canvas of 10×8.5 cm, with a resolution of 200dpi, RGB mode, and a white background color.
2. Create a new layer 1 and fill it with R: 148, G: 148, and B: 148.

3. Select “Filter – Texture – Texturing” on the menu bar, and in the pop-up dialog box, set the texture to “Sandstone”, the scaling to “100%”, the convexity to “4”, and the lighting direction. For “top”. Press Ctrl+F1 times to repeat the previous steps.

4. Open the material library, select the edges, cut them and drag them out of the file. Some patterns like this need to be trimmed and connected with the brush tool before use.

5. Click “Select – Color Range” on the menu bar. After the dialog box pops up, use the eyedropper tool to suck the white part of the file. After confirmation, all the white parts are selected, and fill R: 148, G: 148, B: 148.

6. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on layer 2 to get a layer selection (if you don’t do this step, the black part of layer 1 will also be selected), click “Select-Color Range” on the menu bar, and select After the dialog box pops up, use the eyedropper tool to suck the black part of the file. After confirmation, all black lines are selected. Press Delete to delete.

7. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on layer 2 to get a layer selection. Click “Select-Modify-Shrink” on the menu bar. In the pop-up dialog box, set the shrink amount to “10 pixels” and click on the menu bar. “Select – Feather” on the pop-up dialog box, set the feather radius to “5 pixels”. Select “Image – Adjustments – Brightness and Contrast” on the menu bar, and set the brightness value to “+10” in the pop-up dialog box. Follow the above steps and continue to shrink the selection box “10 pixels” and highlight “+10”.

8. Click the “Add Layer Style” button on the layer panel, select “Bevel and Emboss”, and in the pop-up dialog box, set the depth to “200 pixels”, the size to “20 pixels”, and the softening value to “10 Pixel”, pay attention to the part of the eye, because the lines are a bit messy, you can use the Clone Stamp tool to cover the messier lines.

10. Make layer 1 the current layer, hold down the Ctrl key and click on layer 2, click “Select – Modify – Expand” on the menu bar, set the expansion amount to “15 pixels” in the pop-up dialog box, and click Select “Select – Feather” on the menu bar and set the feather radius to “15 pixels” in the pop-up dialog box. Select “Image – Adjustments – Brightness and Contrast” on the menu bar, and set the brightness value to “-40” in the pop-up dialog box.

11. Set the mode of layer 2 to “Overlay” on the layers panel.

12. Make layer 1 the current layer, select the burn tool on the toolbar, select a soft-angle tool of appropriate size on the property bar, set the exposure to “50%”, and deepen the deep areas of the carving. , to enhance the three-dimensional sense of the pattern.

13. Merge the layers, select “Image – Adjustments – Hue and Saturation” on the menu bar, check “Coloring” in the pop-up dialog box, set the hue to “34” and the saturation to “15” , the brightness is set to “-21”.

14. Select “Image – Adjustment – Brightness and Contrast” on the menu bar, and set the brightness to “-20” and the contrast to “20” in the pop-up dialog box.

15. Create a new layer 2, set the foreground color to R: 128, G: 128, B: 128, and select “Filter – Rendering – Clouds” on the menu bar

16. Set the layer mode to “Overlay” on the layers panel. (Complete picture)

Editor in charge: bbs.16xx8.com
Author: Source: Internet

Line drawings and finished drawings.

Drawing process:
1. In Photoshop, create a new canvas of 10×8.5 cm, with a resolution of 200dpi, RGB mode, and a white background color.
2. Create a new layer 1 and fill it with R: 148, G: 148, and B: 148.

3. Select “Filter – Texture – Texturing” on the menu bar, and in the pop-up dialog box, set the texture to “Sandstone”, the scaling to “100%”, the convexity to “4”, and the lighting direction. For “top”. Press Ctrl+F1 times to repeat the previous steps.

4. Open the material library, select the edges, cut them and drag them out of the file. Some patterns like this need to be trimmed and connected with the brush tool before use.

5. Click “Select – Color Range” on the menu bar. After the dialog box pops up, use the eyedropper tool to suck the white part of the file. After confirmation, all the white parts are selected, and fill R: 148, G: 148, B: 148.

6. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on layer 2 to get a layer selection (if you don’t do this step, the black part of layer 1 will also be selected), click “Select-Color Range” on the menu bar, and select After the dialog box pops up, use the eyedropper tool to suck the black part of the file. After confirmation, all black lines are selected. Press Delete to delete.

7. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on layer 2 to get a layer selection. Click “Select-Modify-Shrink” on the menu bar. In the pop-up dialog box, set the shrink amount to “10 pixels” and click on the menu bar. “Select – Feather” on the pop-up dialog box, set the feather radius to “5 pixels”. Select “Image – Adjustments – Brightness and Contrast” on the menu bar, and set the brightness value to “+10” in the pop-up dialog box. Follow the above steps and continue to shrink the selection box “10 pixels” and highlight “+10”.

8. Click the “Add Layer Style” button on the layer panel, select “Bevel and Emboss”, and in the pop-up dialog box, set the depth to “200 pixels”, the size to “20 pixels”, and the softening value to “10 Pixel”, pay attention to the part of the eye, because the lines are a bit messy, you can use the Clone Stamp tool to cover the messier lines.

10. Make layer 1 the current layer, hold down the Ctrl key and click on layer 2, click “Select – Modify – Expand” on the menu bar, set the expansion amount to “15 pixels” in the pop-up dialog box, and click Select “Select – Feather” on the menu bar and set the feather radius to “15 pixels” in the pop-up dialog box. Select “Image – Adjustments – Brightness and Contrast” on the menu bar, and set the brightness value to “-40” in the pop-up dialog box.

11. Set the mode of layer 2 to “Overlay” on the layers panel.

12. Make layer 1 the current layer, select the burn tool on the toolbar, select a soft-angle tool of appropriate size on the property bar, set the exposure to “50%”, and deepen the deep areas of the carving. , to enhance the three-dimensional sense of the pattern.

13. Merge the layers, select “Image – Adjustments – Hue and Saturation” on the menu bar, check “Coloring” in the pop-up dialog box, set the hue to “34” and the saturation to “15” , the brightness is set to “-21”.

14. Select “Image – Adjustment – Brightness and Contrast” on the menu bar, and set the brightness to “-20” and the contrast to “20” in the pop-up dialog box.

15. Create a new layer 2, set the foreground color to R: 128, G: 128, B: 128, and select “Filter – Rendering – Clouds” on the menu bar

16. Set the layer mode to “Overlay” on the layers panel. (Complete picture)

Editor in charge: bbs.16xx8.com
Author: Source: Internet

This article is from the internet and does not represent1024programmerPosition, please indicate the source when reprinting:https://www.1024programmer.com/photoshop-tutorial-convert-line-drawing-into-stone-carving-effect-element-effect-2/

author: admin

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