Author: Anonymous Source: net
Final effect:
Step one:
Open material 1, which is still the previous apple material. In the story of Apple, Apple is the protagonist.
Second step:
Open material 2 and cut out the puzzle. Some people reported that it was very hard to pick out the tennis balls last time and the effect was not very good. So let’s briefly talk about cutout here. This material 2 can actually be cut out with a magnetic lasso. Let’s talk about channel cutout here. Open the Channels panel, select the red channel with more obvious contrast, and make a copy of the red channel.
Adjust the color levels, the reference data is as follows, in order to make the black and white contrast more obvious.
Use the brush tool to do the rest and paint the area you want to select white. Hold down Ctrl and click on the copy of the red channel to get the selection. Now you know what to do, Ctrl+J to copy the layer. Get the puzzle pieces you need.
Step Three:
Drag the cut out material into Material 1 and name it Layer 1.
Select the puzzle pieces and perform Cut Layers to layer them into two layers.
Step 4:
Ctrl+T, transform layer 1, and place it in a suitable position above the apple.
Step 5:
Execute Image-Adjustments-Decolorize layer 1.
Step Six:
Free Transform Layer 1 and change the blending mode of Layer 1 to Overlay.
Step 7:
Use the pen tool to outline the apple on the right.
Convert the path to a selection, add layer masking to layer 1, and you will get the effect as shown below:
Step 8:
Use the magic wand tool to select the hole of the puzzle ball, create a new layer 3 above the background, fill it with dark green, and use the burn tool to deepen the edge of the hole to make it more three-dimensional.
Ninth step:
Move layer 2 to the position of the hole, change the size, and adjust the puzzle pieces to be consistent with the size of the hole.
Step 10:
Load the selection of layer 2, return to the background Ctrl+J, copy it to a new layer 4, move layer 4 below layer 2, perform decolorization on layer 2, and change the layer blending mode to overlay . Adjust the position and perspective of the puzzle pieces.
Step 11:
Create a new layer 5, load the selection on layer 2, fill it with black, move it down a few pixels slightly, and use Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur. Make shadows.
Finally, in order to increase the puzzle texture effect on the apple, I duplicated layer 1 to get a copy of layer 1, changed the layer blending mode of the layer 1 copy to hard light, and used the brush tool to remove the excess in the mask. The place is blocked.
Final effect:
Author: Anonymous Source: net
Final effect:
Step one:
Open material 1, which is still the previous Apple material.��Apple’s story Apple is the protagonist.
Second step:
Open material 2 and cut out the puzzle. Some people reported that it was very hard to pick out the tennis balls last time and the effect was not very good. So let’s briefly talk about cutout here. This material 2 can actually be cut out with a magnetic lasso. Let’s talk about channel cutout here. Open the Channels panel, select the red channel with more obvious contrast, and make a copy of the red channel.
Adjust the color levels, the reference data is as follows, in order to make the black and white contrast more obvious.
Use the brush tool to do the rest and paint the area you want to select white. Hold down Ctrl and click on the copy of the red channel to get the selection. Now you know what to do, Ctrl+J to copy the layer. Get the puzzle pieces you need.
Step Three:
Drag the cut out material into Material 1 and name it Layer 1.
Select the puzzle pieces and perform Cut Layers to layer them into two layers.
Step 4:
Ctrl+T, transform layer 1, and place it in a suitable position above the apple.
Step 5:
Execute Image-Adjustments-Decolorize layer 1.
Step Six:
Free Transform Layer 1 and change the blending mode of Layer 1 to Overlay.
Step 7:
Use the pen tool to outline the apple on the right.
Convert the path to a selection, add layer masking to layer 1, and you will get the effect as shown below:
Step 8:
Use the magic wand tool to select the hole of the puzzle ball, create a new layer 3 above the background, fill it with dark green, and use the burn tool to deepen the edge of the hole to make it more three-dimensional.
Ninth step:
Move layer 2 to the position of the hole, change the size, and adjust the puzzle pieces to be consistent with the size of the hole.
Step 10:
Load the selection of layer 2, return to the background Ctrl+J, copy it to a new layer 4, move layer 4 below layer 2, perform decolorization on layer 2, and change the layer blending mode to overlay . Adjust the position and perspective of the puzzle pieces.
Step 11:
Create a new layer 5, load the selection on layer 2, fill it with black, move it down a few pixels slightly, and use Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur. Make shadows.
Finally, in order to increase the puzzle texture effect on the apple, I duplicated layer 1 to get a copy of layer 1, changed the layer blending mode of the layer 1 copy to hard light, and used the brush tool to remove the excess in the mask. The place is blocked.
Final effect: