Author: Translated by Luo Zhirou Source: eNet Silicon Valley Power
This tutorial mainly uses Photoshop to create the LOMO soft color effect of landscape photos. The tutorial will help Photoshop beginners better understand the use of color adjustments and filters in Photoshop. Let us learn together.
Let’s take a look at the final effect:
Original image:
1. Open the photo in Photoshop. We will be using a series of adjustments.
Create a new layer, click the “Create new fill or adjustment layer” button below the layers panel, and select “Brightness\Contrast” and “Color Balance”, and set the parameters as shown below.
2. We want to increase color contrast. So press SHIFT + ALT + Ctrl + E to merge the layers into a new layer and set the Opacity to 50%.
3. I think I want to get the desired effect. Therefore, the curve adjustment layer should be used. The following figure shows the curve adjustment parameters:
4. Add texture to canvas. Use a black background, why? Here just set the blending mode of the layer to “Dark”:
5. Merge all layers into a new layer again (SHIFT key + ALT key + Ctrl + E). At this time, you can apply a sharpening filter (“Filter”>”Sharpen”>”Sharpen” “). If you zoom in on the image, you can see that the sharpening filter enhances the details of the image.
6. At this point, we’re going to create a noise effect, which is a common technique for creating old photos. So create a new layer and fill it with black. Please make sure the foreground and background colors are default. Now go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. Set to 40% and choose even distribution. Now switch the layer blending mode to “Multiply” and lower the opacity to around 60%.
7. Create a new layer and fill it with black. Now select the Erase Tool and a Soft Angle Brush (Hardness 0%) and erase until you get a nice image. This completes this tutorial:
Author: Translated by Luo Zhirou Source: eNet Silicon Valley Power
This tutorial mainly uses Photoshop to create the LOMO soft color effect of landscape photos. The tutorial will help Photoshop beginners better understand the use of color adjustments and filters in Photoshop. Let us learn together.
Let’s take a look at the final effect:
Original image:
1. Open the photo in Photoshop. We will be using a series of adjustments.
Create a new layer, click the “Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer” button below the layers panel, and select “Brightness\Contrast” and “Color Balance”, and set the parameters as shown below.
2. We want to increase color contrast. So press SHIFT + ALT + Ctrl + E to merge the layers into a new layer and set the Opacity to 50%.
3. I think I want to get the desired effect. Therefore, the curve adjustment layer should be used. The following figure shows the curve adjustment parameters:
4. Add texture to canvas. Use a black background, why? Here just set the blending mode of the layer to “Dark”.��
5. Merge all layers into a new layer again (SHIFT key + ALT key + Ctrl + E). At this time, you can apply a sharpening filter (“Filter”>”Sharpen”>”Sharpen” “). If you zoom in on the image, you can see that the sharpening filter enhances the details of the image.
6. At this point, we’re going to create a noise effect, which is a common technique for creating old photos. So create a new layer and fill it with black. Please make sure the foreground and background colors are default. Now go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. Set to 40% and choose even distribution. Now switch the layer blending mode to “Multiply” and lower the opacity to around 60%.
7. Create a new layer and fill it with black. Now select the Erase Tool and a Soft Angle Brush (Hardness 0%) and erase until you get a nice image. This completes this tutorial: