This advanced photoshop synthesis tutorial mainly introduces how to use a variety of materials to synthesize a valley infested by flying dragons
Magic book
Flying Dragon, Flying Dragon 2
1. First open the wasteland image and change the image size (Image > Image Size).
2. Import the valley image, ctrl+T to zoom out, and rename the 2 layers
3. Image>Canvas size, make the canvas taller.
4. Move the valley image upwards, the effect is as follows.
5. Add a mask to the valley layer and use a soft black brush with 50% opacity to paint the intersection of the two images. The effect is as follows
6. Open the picture of the little boy, cut it out with a pen, and roughly select the head. (Process it later) Feather the selected area by 1 pixel
7. Drag the little boy into the document and press ctrl+T to zoom out
8. Ctrl+T to transform.
9. Select the valley layer, hide the other 2 layers, go to the channel panel, copy the blue channel, and get a blue copy.
10. Ctrl+L color level adjustment, you will get the following effect
11. Apply with a solid brush, the effect is as follows
12. Return to the RGB channel, go to the Layers panel, display all layers, bring up the channel selection we just made, select the mask of the valley layer, fill it with black, the effect is as follows
13. Import the cloud picture, place it on the upper layer of the valley, add a mask and apply it with a black soft-angle brush to make the distant valley appear faintly visible. Select the little boy layer, ctrl+T to flip it horizontally, and move it to the right side of the screen
14. Import the flying dragon image and process the saturation and brightness. Import magic books and add shadow styles
15. Let’s deal with the little boy’s hair. As we all know, picking out hair is very time-consuming. We can take some alternative methods and use a straight lasso to make the following selections.
16. Ctrl+J copy the selection to a new layer, use the layer mode Multiply, move it to the bottom layer of the boy, rename the hair, and add a Levels adjustment layer to form a clipping mask.
17. Display the boy layer, add a mask, and use a black soft-angle brush to paint the white areas of the boy’s hair.
18. Create a new layer on top of the boy, use a black soft-angle brush with an opacity of about 15% to paint the sleeve area, and use the layer mode Multiply
19. Create a new layer at the top, use a straw to absorb the color of the bright parts of the boy’s clothes, apply the boy’s clothes and face, and use the layer mode to filter
20. Create a new layer at the bottom of the boy layer, name it Boy Shadow, apply it with a black soft-angle brush, and reduce the opacity appropriately. In order to see the shadow clearly, create layer 7 at the bottom and fill it with white
21. Hide layer 7, create a new layer on top, fill it with black, layer mode Color Filter, Filter>Render>Lens Flare, layer opacity 90%
22. Import the knight with the background removed. Because the knight is too red, add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to reduce the red saturation and form a clipping mask.
23. Add color levels and photo filter adjustment layers
24. Create a new layer at the top, fill it with white, Filter>Lens Correction
25. Layer mode Multiply,
26. Finally stamp the layer, go to Filter>Others>Keep 1 pixel in high contrast, use the layer mode Overlay, create a new layer, add a rainbow, use the layer mode Soft Light, apply Gaussian blur, and process other details. The final effect is as follows .
This advanced photoshop synthesis tutorial mainly introduces how to use a variety of materials to synthesize a valley infested by flying dragons
Magic book
Flying Dragon, Flying Dragon 2
1. First open the wasteland image and change the image size (Image > Image Size).
2. Import the valley image, ctrl+T to zoom out, and rename the 2 layers
3. Image>Canvas size, make the canvas taller.
4. Move the valley image upwards, the effect is as follows.
5. Add a mask to the valley layer and use a soft black brush with 50% opacity to paint the intersection of the two images. The effect is as follows
6. Open the picture of the little boy, cut it out with a pen, and roughly select the head. (Process it later) Feather the selected area by 1 pixel
7. Drag the little boy into the document and press ctrl+T to zoom out
8. Ctrl+T to transform.
9. Select the valley layer, hide the other 2 layers, go to the channel panel, copy the blue channel, and get a blue copy.
10. Ctrl+L color level adjustment, you will get the following effect
11. Apply with a solid brush, the effect is as follows
12. Return to the RGB channel, go to the Layers panel, display all layers, bring up the channel selection we just made, select the mask of the valley layer, fill it with black, the effect is as follows
13. Import the cloud picture, place it on the upper layer of the valley, add a mask and apply it with a black soft-angle brush to make the distant valley appear faintly visible. Select the little boy layer, ctrl+T to flip it horizontally, and move it to the right side of the screen
14. Import the flying dragon image and process the saturation and brightness. Import magic books and add shadow styles
15. Let’s deal with the little boy’s hair. As we all know, picking out hair is very time-consuming. We can take some alternative methods and use a straight lasso to make the following selections.
16. Ctrl+J copy the selection to a new layer, use the layer mode Multiply, move it to the bottom layer of the boy, rename the hair, and add a Levels adjustment layer to form a clipping mask.
17. Display the boy layer, add a mask, and use a black soft-angle brush to paint the white areas of the boy’s hair.
18. Create a new layer on top of the boy, use a black soft-angle brush with an opacity of about 15% to paint the sleeve area, and use the layer mode Multiply.
19. Create a new layer at the top, use a straw to absorb the color of the bright parts of the boy’s clothes, apply the boy’s clothes and face, and use the layer mode to filter
20. Create a new layer at the bottom of the boy layer, name it Boy Shadow, apply it with a black soft-angle brush, and reduce the opacity appropriately. In order to see the shadow clearly, create layer 7 at the bottom and fill it with white
21. Hide layer 7, create a new layer on top, fill it with black, layer mode Color Filter, Filter>Render>Lens Flare, layer opacity 90%
22. Import the knight with the background removed. Because the knight is too red, add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to reduce the red saturation and form a clipping mask.
23. Add Levels and Photo Filter adjustment layers
24. Create a new layer at the top, fill it with white, Filter>Lens Correction
25. Layer mode Multiply,
26. Finally stamp the layer, go to Filter>Others>Keep 1 pixel in high contrast, use the layer mode Overlay, create a new layer, add a rainbow, use the layer mode Soft Light, apply Gaussian blur, and process other details. The final effect is as follows .