1024programmer Photoshop Photoshop Tutorial: Drawing Crystal Clear RSS Icons – Logo Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial: Drawing Crystal Clear RSS Icons – Logo Tutorial

Author: chi translation Source: chi’s visual

Photoshop drawing an RSS icon tutorial. This tutorial mainly uses Photoshop’s layer style-blending options to create a crystal clear RSS icon. I hope you like it
In this tutorial I will create a gorgeous RSS icon to use on your blog. Let’s take a look at the final effect first.

First, open Photoshop and create a new file (File>New) with a size of 512×512px and a resolution of 72 dpi. Use the Ellipse Tool (U) to draw an ellipse as shown below.

Layer fill is set to 0%.

Then do: Blending Options>Gradient Overlay, SelectRadial Gradient,Gradient Black To Transparent, the parameters are set as follows.

The resulting effect is as follows, this will act as the shadow of the icon.

. Still use the ellipse tool and hold down shift at the same time. What is drawn is a perfect circle. Blending options – Color: Set the color to #F36523

ExecuteBlending Options>Inner Shadow and set the parameters as follows.

Blending Options>StrokeThe parameters are set as follows

Set the layer fill to 0%, the effect is as follows

Next, we draw another circle. As follows

For this layer execute: Blending Options>Gradient Overlay with the following parameters

Gradient parameters: as follows, Set the layer fill to 0%

Now we are going to draw another circle, but for this circle we need to use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to modify the shape, as shown below.

Execution: Blend Options>Inner Glow

Set the layer fill to 0%. This way our icon will have several highlight layers.

We draw another circle and fill it with the color #F36523

Select this layer, select the vector layer mask, and then use the Ellipse Tool while holding down the Alt key. The cursor will display a minus sign, subtracting half of the circle, leaving a crescent shape.

Set the layer blending mode to “Overlay” and the fill level to 60%.

This gives the icon a half-shadow.

Next, use the Ellipse Tool (U) to draw two circles of different sizes. Set the color to #FEDB8A

Next we use the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) (Radius set to 30 px) to draw the curvedCurve

1. Use a rounded rectangle to draw it as shown in Figure 1

2. Use the Pen Add Anchor Point Tool to add an anchor point above and below the middle position in Figure 1, and use the Direct Selection Tool to adjust the shape.

Modify it into the following shape.

Execute Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Edit gradient bar

The effect is as follows.

Next we draw another shape that is a little larger than the previous one, and then we are done!

Author: chi translation Source: chi’s visual

Photoshop drawing an RSS icon tutorial. This tutorial mainly uses Photoshop’s layer style-blending options to create a crystal clear RSS icon. I hope you like it
In this tutorial I will create a gorgeous RSS icon to use on your blog. Let’s take a look at the final effect first.

First, open Photoshop and create a new file (File>New) with a size of 512×512px and a resolution of 72 dpi. Use the Ellipse Tool (U) to draw an ellipse as shown below.

Layer fill is set to 0%.

Then do: Blending Options>Gradient Overlay, SelectRadial Gradient,Gradient Black To Transparent, the parameters are set as follows.

The resulting effect is as follows, this will act as the shadow of the icon.

. Still use the ellipse tool and hold down shift at the same time. What is drawn is a perfect circle. Blending options – Color: Set the color to #F36523

ExecuteBlending Options>Inner Shadow and set the parameters as follows.

Blending Options>StrokeThe parameters are set as follows

Set the layer fill to 0%, the effect is as follows

Next, we draw another circle. As follows

For this layer execute: Blending Options>Gradient Overlay with the following parameters

Gradient parameters: as follows, Set the layer fill to 0%

Now we are going to draw another circle, but for this circle we need to use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to modify the shape, as shown below.

Execution: Blend Options>Inner Glow

Set the layer fill to 0%. This way our icon will have several highlight layers.

We draw another circle and fill it with the color #F36523

Select this layer, select the vector layer mask, and then use the Ellipse Tool while holding down the Alt key. The cursor will display a minus sign, subtracting half of the circle, leaving a crescent shape.

Set the layer blending mode to “Overlay” and the fill level to 60%.

This gives the icon a half-shadow.

Next, use the Ellipse Tool (U) to draw two circles of different sizes. Set the color to #FEDB8A

Next we use the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) (Radius set to 30 px) to draw the curved curve

1. Use a rounded rectangle to draw it as shown in Figure 1

2. Use the Pen Add Anchor Point Tool to add an anchor point above and below the middle position in Figure 1, and use the Direct Selection Tool to adjust the shape.

Modify it into the following shape.

Execute Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Edit gradient bar

The effect is as follows.

Next we draw another shape that is a little larger than the previous one, and then we are done!


This article is from the internet and does not represent1024programmerPosition, please indicate the source when reprinting:https://www.1024programmer.com/photoshop-tutorial-drawing-crystal-clear-rss-icons-logo-tutorial-6/

author: admin

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